Homework & Study Skills Resources


  • Khan Academy - Get extra help with math, science, history, civics, and/or economics and finance.
  • HippoCampus - Get the help you need utilizing over 5,700 vidoes on 13 different subject areas -FREE!
  • WebMath - Math-help web site that generates answers to specific math questions and problems, as entered by a user, at any particular moment. 
  • Science Help - On this page, you will find resources to help students connect science content to things they can see and experience. Videos, Interactive Explorations, and Interactive Videos engage students and encourage them to explore more on their own with your help.
  • English Help - Assists students with their written and verbal communication skills. Content areas included are grammar, composition, and mechanics from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • Spanish Help - Demos to help with studying Spanish!
  • Duo Lingo - Allows students to translate words and sentences and also gives free lessons for a variety of foreign languages.
  • Social Studies - Help assists students with understanding the election process, as well as the powers of and people behind the U.S. presidency.

Study Guides