Your ETS advisor will work with you over the course of high school to develop an individualized college list, based on your unique needs. There are many resources out there to get information on college (including college websites themselves); however, below are some links you might find useful.
The College Board's "Big Future" college search platform allows students to search colleges by geographic locations, academic programs- "majors", size, type- and many other different characteristics. By using the Big Future platform, ETS students also make themselves eligible to win College Board "Opportunity Scholarships"
ETS college tracking spreadsheet- you can use this sheet track your college list, including deadlines, required forms, etc.
Additional College Information
- College Board connects students to college success and opportunity.
- American College Testing (ACT) Advice on academic preparation, applying to colleges choosing a college, with a college planning checklist.
- College Navigator from National Center for Educational Statistics helps students find a college.
- NH College & University Council (NHCUC) is a non-profit consortium of 17 NH public and private institutions of higher education that enhances educational opportunities for nearly 70,000 students currently attending the member institutions.
- NH Higher Education Assistance Foundation (NHHEAF) offers early college planning info for Middle School students, career exploration and college admissions info for High School students, and so much more.
- Tuitionbreak (NEBHE) New England Board of Higher Education’s Tuition Break program enables New Hampshire students to receive tuition breaks at eligible New England public institutions.
- Go College offers resources to guide students on how to select a college, get accepted, finance and succeed in college.
- Peterson's College Review search tools for some of the best colleges and universities, articles, and resources to help you find the right school, contact admissions officials instantly, excel on tests, and pay for college.
- The Princeton Review 62 ranking lists based on surveys of 120,000 students (average 325 per campus) at 368 schools during the 2007-08 and/or previous two school years.
- Common Application is an online admissions application that allows students to submit to any of the member colleges.
- Coalition Application is another online admissions application (for some schools) be sure to check which colleges are members.
- Universal Application is an online admissions application that allows students to submit to any of the member colleges.
- YouVisit.com is a way to visit college campuses online.