Grade 10 - Making the Most of High School

10th grade students  should continue to focus on academics, as well as exploring careers, college majors and college options. 

See these important items that your ETS advisor will review during your first meeting:

Full Year Sophomore Checklist 

College Financial Aid Basics for 10th Graders

How to Choose a Career Chart


  • Provide academic support and advising
  • Explore career options
  • Explore postsecondary options
  • Provide financial aid information
  • Learn about money management

Assessment and Goal Setting

Objective: Set goals for the year

  • Review of transcript
  • Goal Setting


Objective: Advise students how to prepare academically for postsecondary education.
Academic Activities:

  • Academic Advising for Grade 11
  • Four Year Academic Planner
  • College Admissions Requirements

Study Skills Activities

Career Exploration

Objective: Assess student career interests.

  • Personal/Career Inventory
  • Fastest Growing Jobs
  • Specific job information

College Exploration

Objective: Explore student postsecondary education options.

  • How Prepared For College Are You? (3 critique worksheets)
  • Major Myths About College Selection
  • College Search - Common Mistakes
  • How to Make the Most of a Campus Visit

Money Management Workshop

Objective: Inform student of basics of money management.

Financial Aid

Objective: Inform student about financial aid.

  • Financial Aid Quiz
  • Myths About Financial Aid


Objective: Encourage & aid student to achieve personal best in high school

  • Time Management
  • Are You Stressed?
  • Coping With Stress
  • You Are Unique
  • Motivation: Internal or External
  • Beyond the Classroom: Participating in Extracurricular Activities
  • Resiliency - using the GRIT scale