Planning for College

This ETS middle school students participating in a workshop.

9th grade

9th grade is a fresh start! While middle school is important, colleges only consider students grades from high school. It is important for 9th grade students to to focus on academics; but also, to participate in extra-curricular activities, explore colleges and career options. 


Manchester Central HS students on a tour of Northeastern University.

10th grade

10th grade students  should continue to focus on academics, as well as exploring careers, college majors and college options. 




ETS students on a college tour

11th grade

In ETS, we always say that we treat our juniors like seniors. By starting prepare junior year, meaning- continuing to focus on academics; but also, building by their college lists and college essays, students can make their senior year and the college process less stressful and more successful! Here is full, month-by-month time of steps that juniors should be taking.

Junior-YEAR Resources 

This is an image of Melissa, Concord ETS advisor on a college tour with her students

12th grade

ETS is here for students throughout the whole college & financial aid applications processes. Seniors must also remember that colleges see grades from senior year; thus, continuing to focus on academics is essential. See link below for detailed information on the college application process. 

senior ReSOURCES