SYSC Training Matrix

SYSC Training Matrix
Course Hours Description
A Primer of Foster/Kinship Care for DCYF Staff 6 The process of becoming a foster or kinship caregiver requires familiarity with various systems, knowledge of children and families who come into care, understanding of the impact of abuse and neglect, and the willingness to care for and participate in ongoing training. This module introduces foster family and kinship care and will discuss what is involved in the process and the impact on individual families.
ADA Communication Toolkit 1 This training will provide a foundational understanding of hearing, vision, and speech disabilities and an introduction to the assistive technologies available to clients. This training will provide strategies for communicating with clients who have specific hearing, vision, or speech needs.
Behavioral Health Medication Oversight 2 The goal of this training is to emphasize how to work as a team to provide oversight and continuity of care for children and youth who are prescribed behavioral health medications. This training will provide reasons for the House Bill 120 updates and how DCYF is incorporating these updates. Participants will learn about the expectations of the CPSW and JPPO roles to communicate, inform, and observe with your district nurse. In addition, tools and resources will be shared to provide up-to-date information in an effort to improve health outcomes for children and youth in care. 
Child and Adolescent Mental Health 3 Child and Adolescent Mental Health will focus on mental health as being part of every child and youth development. Children and youth with positive mental health are often able to function well across different environments. While children and youth with mental health challenges, often struggle with daily function in some way. Mental health disorders in children and youth can be treated and managed. The continuum that mental health occurs on and the changing nature of this domain will be explored throughout the training. The training will help participants become more aware of mental health disorders most prevalent in youth, including warning signs, symptoms, and issues related to specific high-risk populations. The material will cover strategies for working with youth experiencing mental health challenges and/or a mental health crisis and how to collaborate with providers and families in these situations. The role of the child welfare professional in working with children and youth experiencing mental health challenges will be highlighted.
CPR/First Aid/AED 6 The CPR/First Aid/AED course is an Instructor lead course. In this course, the participants will learn to recognize and respond to life threatening emergencies as well as learn the basics of rendering first aid. The participants will also learn how to properly use an automatic external defibrillator.
DCYF Orientation: Our Practice Model 2 This training provides an in-depth overview of the mission, values, principles, and strategies which guide agency practice with children and families in New Hampshire. Greater system frameworks are explored in relation to DCYF's mission and values as well as organizational structures, specifically: organizational roles and Safety Culture. This training builds a fundamental understanding of how consistent mission, values, and practices complimented by individual contributions, form the bedrock of a dynamic organization.
History of Child Welfare and Mandatory Reporting 3 This training provides an overview of the history of child welfare in New Hampshire and the United States including the key pieces of legislation that made child welfare what it is today. The training also outlines the Mandatory Reporting laws and how it is relevant to every individual in the state. Additionally, the training will review how to recognize various forms of abuse and neglect.
Select Populations 3 Select Populations are youth in juvenile justice that have unique needs. When working with an offender that falls into a category of fire setting, problematic sexual behavior, or is a violent offender you as a staff can support them by knowing what services are available for them. Being able to identify a youth's behavior early and intervene by providing them services for their specific issue. Data shows that providing youth within these populations support can reduce the risk of them re-offending.
SYSC Fire Safety 1 This training will give a clear understanding of the overall duties and responsibilities of staff have during a fire emergency. This will include: what action they should take on the discovery of a fire, know the difference between different fire classes, which extinguisher to use for which fire, and what the evacuation procedure is.
Blood Borne Pathogens 2 This training provides an introduction to blood-borne pathogens and other serious diseases. Participants will develop an understanding of various illnesses that can spread through blood and bodily fluids. The training will discuss best practices and standard precautions for infection control. Additionally, serious diseases such as meningitis, tuberculosis, herpes, and mononucleosis will be discussed.
Meet and Greet   This is an in-person meeting to meet the CWEP team and review the expectations and requirements of Core Academy.
SYSC New Staff Orientation 2 This course is designed to equip employees at SYSC (Sununu Youth Services Center) with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their roles effectively while maintaining a safe and respectful environment for youth in the Division's care. Participants will explore the expectations and responsibilities associated with employment at SYSC, emphasizing the significance of professionalism and accountability in their interactions with youth. There will be a tour of the facility for new staff.
Professional Growth and Self Care 3 This training is designed to help new workers learn about the value of working with peers as a team and how to navigate office dynamics. Participants explore fears and needs as they begin their journey with DCYF and determine what self-care would look like for themselves. Participants learn how to complete mentoring logs and what to do for the successful completion and credit of the mentoring process.
Engaging with Families 6 In this training, we explore the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are brought into interactions with children, youth and families in New Hampshire regarding their system involvement and transition to independence. This training will provide information that may challenge the perspectives of participants and encourages them to keep an open mind. This training is grounded in the spirit of meeting people where they are. In this way, facilitators and participants are on a journey together.
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) 18 The aim of Cornell University's Therapeutic Crisis Intervention system is to reduce or eliminate the need for physical intervention and to provide care workers with the skills and knowledge to become the catalyst through which the young person changes old habits, destructive responses, and maladaptive behavior patterns. The goal of this training is to train direct care workers to prevent crisis through an understanding of how the environment and the worker's interactions with young people affect children in care. Helping children develop new responses to their environment will enable them to achieve a higher level of social and emotional maturity.
Aggression Management and Defensive Tactics 12 This course provides an in-depth exploration of key concepts surrounding the use of force policies and the management of aggression in various contexts. Through interactive lectures, case studies, role-playing exercises, and practical simulations, this course equips students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework necessary to navigate complex situations with professionalism and effectiveness while prioritizing safety and minimizing risk.
Training providing techniques based on the Mechanical Advantage Control Holds (M.A.C.H.), which is a highly effective tool for engaging and redirecting youth motivated by fear, anger, drugs, alcohol, medication, or lack of medication. M.A.C.H. redirects a youth's resistance.
Proper Use of Handcuffs 3 This training will review the types of handcuffs, their care, maintenance, and inspection to ensure proper and effective usage. Participants will also learn how to control a suspect prior to placing them in handcuffs, overcome resistance, and how to conduct a proper search, including identifying any potential “keys” and where they could be hidden to ensure the safety of the subject and the officers. This training will demonstrate the proper way to apply the handcuffs and any potential external factors that should be considered to prevent in-custody deaths. Participants will get a brief overview of report writing including the subject’s actions, officer’s actions, and the elements of the transport procedure.
Restorative Practices 3 This comprehensive course provides an in-depth understanding of Responsive Restorative Practices (RRP) and their implementation, tailored to meet the certification requirements in New Hampshire. Participants will gain knowledge of the Restorative Practices Continuum and develop the skills necessary to apply proactive strategies within their professional settings. The course covers essential components such as Proactive Circles, Affective Language, and Restorative/Responsive Circles and Conferences. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, learners will be equipped to facilitate proactive circles and effectively utilize affective language to foster a restorative environment.
SYSC Guide to Behavior 3 In this training, you will learn about the guide's creation & the importance of the structure it brings to our facility youth & staff.
This guide and the practices it outlines were established to simplify the reporting process for staff ease of use while creating rule violation categories (minor, moderate and major), connecting fair consequences to these specified categories, resulting in consistency in expectations & consequence throughout the facility, while still giving SYSC youth a voice/choice in the decision making process.
YouthCenter 3 During this training we create YouthCenter/CourtStream accounts for all new employees, learn the basics of site navigation and learn how to complete entries into the site, such generate daily log entries, contact log entries & room changes. This training will also prepare staff for report writing, as all facility incidents are entered and communicated to facility/field staff through this system.
SYSC Documentation 6 This training provides SYSC staff an introduction to report writing, understanding reporting requirements for RSA 126:U, and an introductory understanding of how to locate information and forms within Court Stream and Youth Center. Participants will gain an understanding of the essential elements of reports and develop an awareness of behavioral interventions and corresponding consequences.
Safety and Security 3 This training is based on the belief that staff can provide appropriate, effective interventions in crisis situations. Staff will gain practical strategies and techniques for managing behaviors in various levels of crisis. Emphasis will be placed on understanding crisis and developing the skills to prevent crisis or intervene in early crisis situations. Safe preparation and interventions necessary for safe home and office visits will also be covered. This training is delivered in the classroom.
Ombudsman Program 1 The mission of the Office of the Ombudsman is to respond to complaints and requests for assistance from clients, employees and members of the public and to resolve disagreements related to matters within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Human Services. This is done utilizing unbiased investigation and fact-finding, mediation and/or other alternative dispute resolution methods, and information and referral.
SYSC Suicide Prevention, Watches, and Programming 6 This training will provide a detailed overview of the four suicide watches that a youth could be placed on at SYSC, the requirements of each watch, the proper documentation of each watch, and the responsibility of the Youth Counselor when assigned to a watch. Knowing the proper steps and responsibilities is crucial in keeping youth safe. This training will also provide an explanation of the difference between committed and detained youth as well as programming at SYSC.
Searches 3 This training helps to establish the Division’s search and seizure practices for Juvenile Probation and Parole Officers and SYSC Residential Staff. Staff will learn about the fourth amendment and criteria for performing various kinds of searches. They will engage in hands-on practice completing pat searches of a person and searches of an area/room.
Gang Knowledge 3 This session will be an introduction to gang awareness, recognition, and the basic history of gangs in New Hampshire. This session will include the history of gangs and affiliations, gang trademarks, colors, clothing, hand signs, graffiti, gang violence, gang mentality, and indicators of gang activity in your community. Current trends in New Hampshire will also be discussed.
Sexual Harassment and Assault Awareness (PREA) 2 This training offers an overview of the PREA Standard for Residential Juvenile facilities as well as specific topics mandated by PREA. It is intended to educate all employees who may have contact with residents on how to fulfill their responsibilities under agency policies and procedures for the prevention, detection, reporting, and response to sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Participants will meet the requirements for the PREA Standard on employee training (115.331 (a)) after the successful completion of this training.
Human Trafficking 6 It is very important for child protection and juvenile justice service workers to be aware of the problem of human trafficking and to understand the signs and behaviors children, youth, and adults may exhibit when they have or are being exploited. Children and youth in the child protection and juvenile justice system are at higher risk and are more vulnerable to human trafficking. Traffickers use a combination of threats and subtler coercion to draw people into forced labor and sexual exploitation. It is critical that child welfare workers learn strategies and tools for the prevention, assessment, and documentation of human trafficking. The overall goal of this training is for participants to understand their role as professionals working with children and families experiencing human trafficking.
Drug Testing/DAU Testing 1 This training teaches staff how to properly administer a urine drug screen as well as how to read the urine drug screen results. Participants also learn what paperwork is required to be completed when administering a urine drug screen. This training also provides participants with information about what the urine drug screen is used for, who is notified with the results of the urine drug screen, the substances the urine drug screen detects, and what to do with the urine drug screen once the results are read.
Transporting Youth Safely 2 This training provides a review of policies pertaining to the safe transport of youth including: the approval process, assessing needs, and pre-planning when traveling with a youth.  All aspects of safe travel are covered, including car and airline travel. This training also includes an in-depth explanation of the three stages of a crash, air bags, seat belts, positioning, proper use of handcuffs when transporting, and implementing a travel plan with youth.