External Professional Development Opportunities

Welcome to the Child Welfare Education Partnership (CWEP) at Granite State College’s DCYF employee page. The CWEP provides education, professional development, and resources to New Hampshire child welfare, juvenile justice, and Sununu Youth Services staff through NH Division for Children, Youth and Families. We look forward to working with you towards meeting your educational goals.

Child Welfare Information Gateway has a robust Online Child Welfare Training website that includes multiple organizations that offer training opportunities.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

The National Child Passenger Safety Certification – Multiple Dates

The national standardized Child Passenger Safety Technician Certification Course is usually three to four days long and combines classroom instruction, hands-on work with car seats and in vehicles, and a community safety seat checkup event. Successful completion of this course certifies the individual as a national CPS technician for two years.


Lead Training and Resources

The CDC offers an online training on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/lead-prevention/php/trainings/childhood-lead-poisoning-prevention.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/resources/childhood-lead-poisoning-prevention-training.html 

https://leadfreekidsnh.org/happy-healthy-lead-free-me-resources/#book  retrieved from https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/environmental-health-and-you/lead-poisoning-prevention-program 

National Criminal Justice Training Center (NCJTC) has several free courses with multiple dates.


Child Welfare League of America – multiple training events and dates

Learn More

Understanding and Overcoming Bias - eLearning


Traumatic Separation in Children and Adolescents – recorded webinar

Describes the impact of traumatic separation, attachment, and attachment disruption on children and adolescents. Speakers share their perspectives on being involved in the child welfare system including clinicians, former foster youth, along with a biological and foster parent. They discuss supporting foster or adoptive children and youth who are coping with traumatic separation in out-of-home care as well as the impact of traumatic separation on birth parents.

To access the training – log into or create a NCTSN account

Alcohol and Substance Misuse Training and Resources from the National Criminal Justice Training Center

Below are self-paced free courses.

Drug Identification and Recognition: Depressants, Anti-depressants, and Inhalants

Drug Identification and Recognition: Dissociative Anesthetics

Drug Identification and Recognition: Hallucinogens

Drug Identification and Recognition: Stimulants

Drug Identification and Recognition: The Opioid Crisis in America

Below are two infographics for download

Drug Overdose in America

Opioid Abuse in America

Additional and Ongoing PD Opportunities

The Tribal Information Exchange offers online professional development opportunities for free that focus on ICWA.

The National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College (NCJTC) offers a variety of criminal justice training in multiple areas with many for free.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)’s Learning Center has 300+ FREE CE certificate courses and 200+ online webinars on a variety of topics such as Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit, Psychological First Aid Online, The Resilience of Youth: The Impact of Developmental Trauma, COVID-19 and Beyond, and Addressing Transition Issues for Youth Foster Children. Click here to register as a participant.



Choose Love dashboard

Choose Love – Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to create safer schools through a no-cost, lifespan social and emotional learning platform that not only teaches students the life skills that are essential to happiness and success but also fosters a school culture that reduces violence from the inside out. Our signature program, the Choose Love Enrichment Program™ (CLEP), is available as a no-cost Infant-Toddler, and Pre-K through 12th grade, character development and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program that teaches educators and their students how to choose love in any circumstance through wonderfully simple yet powerful themes and practices for the classroom that naturally evolve into a culture where students feel safe, nurtured, connected, and empowered.  

The suggested Choose Love program is the Home & Family program. You can sign up for this FREE course by clicking on Programs > For Home and Family > At Home Intro and Sign Up (see image to the left)

Harvard Business Review’s article A Guide to Managing Your (Newly) Remote Workers provides some great tips for supervisors working with staff who are adjusting to not being in the office. Without the social aspect of being in the office, it can leave staff feeling disconnected and isolated in their work. This article gives supervisors tips for supporting their staff in the transition to a remote office team.

The Ultimate Guide To Managing Highly Effective Remote Teams explores the three key areas for successfully managing a remote team: Communication, The Big Picture, and Productivity.

The Administration for Children & Families (ACF) is a division of the Department of Health & Human Services that promote the economic and social well-being of children, individuals, and communities with leadership and resources for effective delivery of human services.

Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative offers opportunities for continuing education credits (CEUs) for licensure. The Center offers events that are virtual so child welfare staff can attend presentations by experts without leaving their offices. Click here and bookmark the page to check for new events listings and updates. The 2019 Child Welfare Virtual Expo 2019 has been developed into a flexible, online learning experience for organizations across the country. Click here to use the resources in the collection.

The Child Welfare Information Gateway contains multiple sources of information and resources, and in addition, contains a conference calendar that allows for an easy search of upcoming conferences and free materials for the field.

ICJ – The Interstate Commission for Juveniles dates back to the 1950s, when concern grew throughout the United States about “a vast army of wandering kids being shuttled from place to place.”  The ICJ offers professional development opportunities that can be found on their calendar. Click here to see what is coming up.

Triple-Intersection-series-Fall-2023 - This training is open to any professionals who work with youth, 0-25, who identify as neurodiverse (including Autism Spectrum Disorder and developmental disabilities), and/or gender diverse and who have experienced trauma.

ODdiTies ~ Training notes from Human Resources, Organizational Development and Training Services (ODTS) and upcoming professional development opportunities.





Information on Personal Protective Equipment in Response to COVID-19


Up to date information from the Centers for Disease Control about Donning and Doffing PPE with a Face Shield. There are five instructional videos that explain the proper process for protecting yourself from exposure to COVID-19.




DCYF COVID-19-Survival-Guide-Family-Edition: A Collection of Resources to Support Children and Families Across New HampshireDownload


Center For Disease Control Website