Michael Schwartz

Hello and welcome to our newly designed Broadband Center of Excellence web site. Here at UNH there are a lot of programs related to extending and expanding the reach and applications of broadband technology. This category could include new technologies for effectively extending the reach of broadband to rural areas, as well as new ways of connecting sensors, devices and software into the network of networks, or the Internet of Things.

UNH and BCoE have a unified keen interest in ensuring that this new site will serve as a one-stop central repository of all that our state agencies and university programs have to offer on high-speed broadband services and delivery options.

From time to time, we intend to post our thoughts on broadband-related topics that arise in the state, the nation and globally.  We will continue to work to extend 25 megabit per second broadband to the thousands here in NH and billions around the globe who now lack adequate access to this life changing service.

Thanks for your attention and we look forward to making our blog into a vehicle to create a dialog, one that will help us achieve increased business success, advanced educational opportunities, improved health through telemedicine, and a more aware and safe society. 
