The New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program (NHBMPP) is a comprehensive program that seeks to understand where broadband is currently available in NH, how it can be made more widely available in the future, and how to encourage increased levels of broadband adoption and usage. We recognize that a vibrant local and state economy requires broadband infrastructure to support economic development, energy efficiency, advances in health care, and improved educational opportunities, as well as the knowledge base and resources to effectively utilize that infrastructure.
Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the NHBMPP comprises two main components: a broadband availability inventory and mapping effort, and a suite of planning and technical assistance initiatives. Both components are part of a national effort to expand broadband access and adoption through improved data collection and broadband planning.
The NHBMPP is being managed by the University of New Hampshire's GRANIT System, Earth Systems Research Center, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space