Funding Partners

Funding for Broadband

Numerous studies have shown that access to affordable, high-performance broadband correlates with strong economic growth in rural areas as well as in urban and suburban locales.  The team working on broadband issues at the University of New Hampshire has received millions of dollars of grants and funding to support more broadband throughout the state over the past 8 years. Here’s a list of the entities that have funded UNH efforts, and some specifics about the grants and awards, some of which remain active.       

Broadband Funding Sources – 2007 – 2016

Proposal Title:  University of New Hampshire Broad band Center of Excellence
Source of Support:  YAS Foundation
Total Award Amount:  $ 1,000,000
Award Period:   Nov. 2015 – Nov. 2022
Location of Project:  University of New Hampshire Center Research Office  

Proposal Title:  Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Lung Disease
Source of Support:  NIH NCRR COBRE Supplement (NIH 3P20RR0187787-07S1)
Total Award Amount:  $ 1,672,733 (UNH Subaward)
Award Period:  Aug 2009 - Aug 2012
Location of Project:  University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth Medical School
Principal Investigators:  Bruce Stanton (DMS), Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  Collaborative Research:  North East Cyberinfrastructure Consortium
Source of Support:  NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 2 (OCI-0918033)
Total Award Amount:  $ 1,200,000
Award Period:  Sep 2009 - Aug 2013
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  State Broadband Data and Development Grant, Phase I
Source of Support:  US Department of Commerce NTIA State Broadband Data Development (33-50-M09048)
Total Award Amount:  $ 1,735,715
Award Period:  Jan 2010 - Jan 2015
Principal Investigators:  Fay Rubin (UNH GRANIT)
Proposal Title:  Network New Hampshire Now
Source of Support:  US Department of Commerce NTIA BTOP (NT10BIX5570082)
Total Award Amount:  $ 44,480,992
Award Period:  Jul 2010 - Dec 2013
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  NTIA PTFP Non-Broadcast Grant
Source of Support:  US Department of Commerce NTIA PTFP (33-04-10151)
Total Award Amount:  $ 104,500
Award Period:  Sep 2010 - Mar 2012
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  State Broadband Data and Development Grant, Phase II
Source of Support:  US Department of Commerce NTIA State Broadband Data Development (33-50-M09048)
Total Award Amount:  $ 4,377,623
Award Period:  Jan 2011 - Jan 2015
Principal Investigators:  Fay Rubin (UNH GRANIT), Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  Telemedicine in New Hampshire Pilot
Source of Support:  US Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Service (NH0712-A17)
Total Award Amount:  $ 365,875
Award Period:  Mar 2011 - Mar 2014
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  Website Revision for ConnectNH to Support Telehealth
Source of Support:  New Hampshire Endowment for Health
Total Award Amount:  $ 4,800
Award Period:  Apr 2011 - Feb 2012
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  Turning on the Light on the Dark Fiber Model
Source of Support:  New Hampshire Industrial Research Center
Total Award Amount:  $ 86,558
Award Period:  May 2012 – Jun 2014
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  CC-NIE Network Infrastructure:  Advancing UNH’s High-Performance End-to-End Research
Source of Support:  NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure: Network Integration and Engineering (ACI-1340972)
Total Award Amount:  $ 499,255
Award Period:  Oct 2013 - Sep 2015
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH), Patrick Messer (UNH), Robert Russell (UNH)
Proposal Title:  Reaching Rural New Hampshire with Technology
Source of Support:  US Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Service (NH0712-B16)
Total Award Amount:  $ 116,801
Award Period:  Apr 2014 – Mar 2017
Principal Investigators:  Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  Increased Research and Educational Opportunities at Shoals Marine Laboratory Through an Improved Communications Network
Source of Support:  National Science Foundation (DBI-1418881)
Total Award Amount:  $ 185,423
Award Period:  Aug 2014 - Jul 2015
Principal Investigators:  Jonathan Pennock (UNH), Robin Hadlock Seeley (Cornell), Ross Hansen (Cornell), Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)
Proposal Title:  CC*IIE Campus Design: Saint Anselm Science DMZ
Source of Support:  NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure: Infrastructure, Innovation and Engineering  (ACI-1440661)
Total Award Amount:  $ 300,000 (UNH Subaward)
Award Period:  Apr 2015 - Mar 2017
Principal Investigators:  Adam Albina (Saint Anselm College), William Ploog (Saint Anselm College), Scott A. Valcourt (UNH)