
The University of New Hampshire’s Broadband Center of Excellence (BCoE) provides a demonstration environment for the development of innovative network application experiments in the education, health, public safety, and economic development sectors to improve citizen’s quality of life.  For example, “Ubiquitous Intelligence” through the monitoring, analyzing and controlling of the millions of networks of sensors, devices and networks-of-networks will foster the development and success of Intelligent Cities, Smart Campuses, telemedicine and connected cars and highway among others.

The Ubiquitous Intelligence Revolution is today’s equivalent of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution of past centuries. These “smart-projects” of the 21st Century will enable our society to improve quality of life and to reach higher levels of economic growth. 

Here's UNH BCoE Executive Director Rouzbeh Yassini on the promise of a global broadband network:

Dr. Yassini's presentation on the present and future of how broadband connects the world.


Play on Vimeo

BCoE shall provide a central point of exchange for information on best practices on the use of technology, tools, benchmarks, and educational materials developed by partners in the state of New Hampshire, nationwide, and globally.

The BCoE is designed to facilitate collaboration in an unbiased manner within New Hampshire and nationally with regard to Research, Education and Outreach on broadband. BCoE seeks to work with charity foundations, corporations, universities, communities, universities, and industry to help deploy broadband networks and applications more ubiquitously as tools to foster economic growth, social improvement and business success.

  • Wireless networks. One example of this collaborative research approach is the evaluation by BCoE and other UNH departments of a broadband wireless technology called TV White Space. TVWS has shown promise as a possible broadband delivery platform for rural residents during testing on the UNH campus and elsewhere in Durham, NH.
  • Smart Campus. Promote UNH as a fully-broadband enabled university “Smart Campus” and thought leader. Collaborate with other UNH departments to establish a curriculum on broadband.
  • Technology and Public Policy. Engage world technology and policy leaders to expand broadband research and security. Work with officials at the local, state and national levels to be the de facto unbiased factual data for all broadband initiatives.
  • Collaboration. Support New Hampshire’s and other states’ broadband authorities “public and private” initiatives. Seek to collaborate with other universities to expand broadband and to ensure the delivery of services and bandwidth are via technologically state of the art, affordable systems.

In summary UNH BCoE is a privately funded operation within the University of New Hampshire with the dream of accelerating creation of Intelligent Campus, Cities, State, and our Nation to expand the economy growth and quality of life for all citizens.