College of Life Sciences & Agriculture

Recent Stories

  • UNH graduate student Henry Herndon
    - Stars in Their Fields
    Water. Energy. Sustainability. They’re in the headlines almost every week — and addressing these global issues is the basis for award-winning research by UNH graduate students. In... Read More
  • dry stream bed with scientific sensor in the middle
    - Parched
    Some researchers at UNH have found the record drought has changed the way they can conduct research. Read More
  • UNH graduate student Lesley Atwood
    - Stories of Science
    One of the most challenging aspects of any scientist's work is successfully explaining to lay audiences the details and importance of complex research, but several College of Life... Read More
  • cow
    - High Tech Holsteins
    It’s the middle of the night, and doctoral student Kayla Aragona has just received a text message on her cell phone from a cow in labor at the UNH Fairchild Dairy Teaching and... Read More
  • Molly Jacobson ’17 collects bees as part of her 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) project examining the biodiversity and conservation of native pollinators in southern New Hampshire
    - Popular Pollinators
    The buzz about New Hampshire’s bee population isn’t all bad. This spring, assistant professor of biological sciences Sandra Rehan and USDA research fellow Erika Tucker released... Read More
  • UNH emeritus professor of plant biology Owen Rogers among lilacs
    - Murray Straus and Owen Rogers Remembered
    In May, UNH lost two venerated researchers and members of the teaching faculty — one who helped change America’s views on corporal punishment and family violence; another who... Read More
  • UNH student Yusuf Ebrahim '17
    - Anti-Cancer
    Yusuf Ebrahim '17 has been working in professor Charles Walker’s lab this summer to find out how two anti-cancer agents affect a certain type of leukemia. Read More
  • Donald M. Green and wife Barbara
    - Passing: Professor Emeritus Donald Green
    The University of New Hampshire community mourns the loss of Donald M. Green, Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and genetics in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, who... Read More
  • A cow at UNH's Fairchild Dairy
    - Call of the Cows
    It’s the middle of the night, and doctoral student Kayla Aragona has just received a text alert at home on her cell phone from a cow in labor at the UNH Fairchild Dairy Teaching... Read More
  • Students in UNH's Project SMART
    - A SMART Send-Off
    Join the Project SMART Summer Institute for its closing ceremonies on Friday at the Morse Hall Atrium
 beginning at 11 a.m. Some of the students have come to UNH from as far away... Read More