College of Life Sciences & Agriculture

Recent Stories

  • Jordan Garrett '20 and Caitlin Burnett '20
    - The Everyday Life of Climate Change
    The big picture of climate change is often heralded in photos depicting melting ice caps and stranded polar bears or smokestacks tainting the sky with soot. Less well captured are... Read More
  • Researchers at EPA awards ceremony
    - Researchers Honored at EPA Awards Ceremony
    John Aber and Gregg Moore received honors at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Merit Awards ceremony. Read More
  • UNH researcher Matt MacManes
    - Birdbrained
    At their core, the findings of recent research led by Matt MacManes seem obvious: Males and females are different. Yet the work disrupts a long-held gender bias within... Read More
  • UNH alumna Rebecca Hiltz '16
    - Bridging Borders, Changing Lives
    UNH graduates are getting the chance to see Europe — and making connections they never expected. Read More
  • UNH student Rebecca Hiltz '16
    - A Life-Changing Trip
    Rebecca Hiltz ’16  reflects on her experiences in Germany, which were made possible by a Hamel Traveling Fellowship. Read More
  • Students eating in one of UNH's dining halls
    - The Choline Connection
    A UNH faculty member helps Reader’s Digest offer subscribers a closer look at an important nutrient. Read More
  • Taylor Lindsay ’19 takes over the UofNH Snapchat account
    - Environmental Interactions
    On her Snapchat takeover, Taylor Lindsay ’19 talks about her work in the UNH Ecohydrology Lab and the organization of this year’s Solarfest. Read More
  • Underwater shot of reddish seaweed
    - Ocean Invasives
    UNH researchers looked at seaweed populations during the last 30 years in the Gulf of Maine. Read More
  • Graphic of globe with data radiating out
    - Broadband Grants
    UNH’s Broadband Center of Excellence has awarded two grants to UNH researchers. Read More
  • UNH PhD student Drummond Biles
    - Winning at Brevity
    How do you describe years of research in lay terms and in just three minutes? UNH graduate students have the answer. Read More