College of Life Sciences & Agriculture

Recent Stories

  • loon
    - UNH Researchers: Algae Blooms May Be Harming Loons
    NHPR reports biology professor Jim Haney has found elevated levels of neurotoxins associated with cyanobacteria in the feathers of loon chicks. Read More
  • Amelia Curtis
    - Historical Horticulture
    The seeds for Celia Thaxter's storied garden on Appledore Island are sown right here at UNH. Read More
  • Cuba: View from the Balcon de Valley
    - Cuba: "Trip of a Lifetime"
    In June, UNH student Megan (Maggie) Savoie ’17 visited Cuba as part of an intensive two-week summer course offered through the University of Florida. Read More
  • Pre-veterinary students at UNH
    - Veterinarians in the Making
    Prospective veterinarians hoping to get into one of the nation’s handful of schools of veterinary medicine who attend UNH for their pre-vet coursework are seeing success. UNH... Read More
  • Nathalie Diagne of Senegal  and Louis S. Tisa, a researcher with the NH Agricultural Experiment Station
    - Salt of the Earth
    Salt left behind from ocean spray is so concentrated on land in parts of Africa that one can see salt crystals in the soil sparkling in the sun. For farmers in these areas, the... Read More
  • UNH graduate Christopher Healy '16
    - Targeting Treatments
    So much for senioritis. Christopher Healy ’16 didn’t have time to let it creep into his final year at UNH. Read More
  • Wagon
    - Meet Your Milk at UNH Open Barn June 18
    The NH Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of New Hampshire College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and the Granite State Dairy Promotion invite the public to come... Read More
  • UNH Researchers Find Forage Radish is the Cream of Cover Crops
    - UNH Researchers Find Forage Radish is the Cream of Cover Crops
    A two-year study into cover crops at UNH allowed scientists to determine not just the average values for each cover crop but also the consistency of each cover crop’s performance. Read More
  • A New Hampshire farmer
    - Field of Greens
    Many New Hampshire farmers view trading their tried-and-true full season silage corn variety for one with a shorter growing season as more than a little risky. But not Adam Crete... Read More
  • Lilacs at Woodman Farm at UNH
    - Remembering Professor Rogers
    Owen Maurice Rogers, professor emeritus of plant biology in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, passed away on May 24 at the age of 85. Read More