
Recent Stories

  • Kim Celona working on extracting DNA
    - Going to Bat for Bats
    In the winter of 2006, colonies of bats hibernating in Albany, New York, began dying from a disease commonly known as white-nose syndrome because of the powdery looking fungus... Read More
  • John Eldredge
    - A Sober Story
    This is the third article in our series exploring how UNH alumni, faculty and students are tackling the heroin and opioid epidemic that has hit New Hampshire and many other parts... Read More
  • Bradley and Shannon Calabro of Amano Mobile Grocery Stores
    - Making Food Deserts History
    It’s coming up on a year since the annual Social Venture Innovation Challenge put hard cash into the hands of budding entrepreneurs, and we thought we'd check in with a couple of... Read More
  • moon raker model
    - To the Moon and Back
    Tamir Blum ’16 is a mechanical engineering major who has thought about one day working with robots. Or maybe for a company whose focus is outer space. Either way, he’s got a... Read More
  • Professor Kelley Thomas holding a large molecule model
    - NIH Grant Boosts NH's Biomedical Research Capacity
    A five-year $18.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to a statewide partnership led by UNH and Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine will expand biomedical... Read More
  • biometric scanner at UNH dining hall
    - No Card Required
    Lunch time! Students enter Holloway Commons using one of the new biometric scanners. Read More
  • Corinthian column
    - Prevention Perspective
      Recently, former St. Paul’s School senior Owen Labrie, accused of raping a younger student, was convicted of misdemeanor charges of having sex with a girl below the age of... Read More
  • Karen Jin and Brianna Smith lead students through a robotics activity
    - Filling the STEM Pipeline
    Three sessions of UNH Tech Camp provided the opportunity to build and launch model rockets at Boulder Field on the UNH campus. More than 150 students... Read More
  • UNH professor Rick Cote
    - A Look Inside the Eye with Professor Rick Cote
    Imagine a world where doctors and scientists could understand the most fundamental causes of human blindness. For Rick Cote, professor in the Department of Molecular, ... Read More
  • UNH Project SMART participants launching scientific balloon
    - Riding High
    Project SMART high school students steady their scientific balloon as it fills with helium prior to launch. (Photo: Devin Thomas, University of British Columbia) Near space is... Read More