
Recent Stories

  • Chris Whitney
    - California Dreamin'
    The UNH booth, hosted here by Tara Hicks Johnson, outreach specialist at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, was a popular destination for would-be graduate students and... Read More
  • UNH Research: Helmetless-Tackling Drills Significantly Reduce Head Impact
    - UNH Research: Helmetless-Tackling Drills Significantly Reduce Head Impact
    The national debate around football-related head impacts, and their relationship to concussions and spinal injuries, continues to raise concern in the United States. Sparked by... Read More
  • Lincoln Lavoie and Mara Bernazzani
    - IOL on the Move
    The UNH InterOperability Laboratory (IOL) is on the move and, come Jan. 4, is scheduled to be up and running in its new location adjacent to campus at Madbury Commons. The IOL is... Read More
  • New Hampshire State Champ American chestnut tree
    - No Chestnuts To Roast on an Open Fire
    New Englanders searching the woods for chestnuts to roast on an open fire this holiday season will be hard pressed to find a mature American chestnut tree bearing nuts. American... Read More
  • Portsmouth filmmaker Michael Venn '96
    - Documenting the Problem
    This is the fifth article in our series exploring how UNH alumni, faculty and students are tackling the heroin and opioid epidemic that has hit New Hampshire and many other parts... Read More
  • Michael Ettlinger
    - The Policy People
    Michael Ettlinger was a newbie in the tax policy world when his boss turned to him one day and said: “Go do CNN for me.” Those were daunting words for someone who was still... Read More
  • solar panels on Appledore Island
    - Shoals Solar
    What better way to celebrate a decade of sustainability than with a gift of new solar panels? This summer, the Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) at Appledore Island added 94 solar... Read More
  • Wildcat Wellness Program
    - Healthy Partnership
    Forget the freshman 15 in Manchester. In September, UNHM interim dean J. Michael Hickey ’73 announced a new partnership with Granite YMCA that opens up a wide array of health and... Read More
  • Prevention Innovations Research Center staff
    - Prevention Pioneers
    At its fifth annual Innovators’ Dinner, UNHInnovation (UNHI) made good on its mission to recognize the full sweep of innovation, including intellectual property and creative work... Read More
  • University of New Hampshire
    - Not Just the Heat, It’s the Humans
    When it comes to adapting to the changing environment of the Great Basin in the North American West, for small mammals, warming associated with climate change is only part of the... Read More