
Recent Stories

  • The Professor Who Fell Out the Window
    - The Professor Who Fell Out the Window
    Whether they told you to "shape up or drop out," stayed up all night helping you prepare for a test, or just made you laugh with their quintessentially professorial quirks, there... Read More
  • Pushing Back Research
    - Pushing Back Research
    Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold never quite fit in. At Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., where athletes were worshipped and just about everyone played a sport, the two... Read More
  • The Opinionator
    - The Opinionator
    If numbers were shouts, Gary Langer's office at ABC News would sound like Yankee Stadium. Numbers call to him from printouts piled high on the glass-topped coffee table. Stacks of... Read More
  • Buried Treasure
    - Buried Treasure
    The air is mercifully cool when they arrive at the excavation site outside the small Turkish village. The smells of ripening wheat, grazing sheep and the musky scent of earth... Read More
  • Turning The Tide
    - Turning The Tide
      It was 1 a.m. when I arrived in Brazil's murder capital. A U.S. embassy worker waited for me at the airport terminal, holding a sign with my name. A man with a graying goatee... Read More
  • A Matter of Common Sense
    - A Matter of Common Sense
      IT MAKES SENSE that the endowment for UNH's sustainability program—the first of its kind in the country—came from a farmer. The late Oliver Hubbard '21, who gave the... Read More
  • There For You
    - There For You
      Michele Loos will never forget the first patient who died on her watch. He was an elderly man who couldn't read or write. She was a 30-something UNH nursing student on her... Read More
  • Hurricane Hunter
    - Hurricane Hunter
      I UNDERSTAND WHY JASON DUNION '92 wants to bring me to the military airfield in Tampa, Fla. Yes, it's a four-hour drive from where we are this cumulus big-sky morning in Miami... Read More
  • Freedom Fighter
    - Freedom Fighter
      LAST SPRING, ON MARCH 2, ED LYMAN '88G was skimming through the water off the coast of Maui, Hawaii, his feet braced for balance, a taut line burning against his gloved hands... Read More
  • A Life, Shared
    - A Life, Shared
    Don Murray '48 was an outsized presence in red suspenders, a big man with a big laugh who made a big impact in Durham and far beyond. He looked like Ernest Hemingway and handed... Read More