
Recent Stories

  • The Funny Pages
    - The Funny Pages
    For several months earlier this year, UNH Museum curator Dale Valena perused every issue of The New Hampshire and UNH student magazines, looking for laughs. The results, "Campus... Read More
  • Digital Dimond
    - Digital Dimond
    When Darlene Dube needs to look at a particular computer programming textbook for her computer science class, she just logs on to the UNH library web site and tracks it down... Read More
  • Street Smart
    - Street Smart
    "JUST SO YOU KNOW—I PUT PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR A LIVING," William Stewart III '73 used to tell the captains of opposing ice hockey teams before the first buzzer. "So a 10-minute... Read More
  • Into the Woods
    - Into the Woods
    On a clear, cold November day, Tyler Stock '06 stands in the woods and looks up. Then he looks down. The tall pine he is studying has to be cut, and he's got to figure out how to... Read More
  • Cents and Sensibility
    - Cents and Sensibility
    THE SPITE FENCE: In this mural painted in 1954 by the late UNH art professor John Hatch, now hanging in the Durham Community Church, the Durham waterfront of the 1820s fairly... Read More
  • Volcano Songs
    - Volcano Songs
      On Nov. 13, 1985, Nevado del Ruiz erupted in Colombia. As eruptions go, it was small. But it was also deadly. Approximately 23,000 people died and the entire town of Armero... Read More