
Recent Stories

  • All Music, All the Time
    - All Music, All the Time
    Walking down the narrow hall on the third floor of Paul Creative Arts Center is like flipping a radio dial and finding that music has trumped talk shows on every station. The... Read More
  • The Unexpected Congresswoman
    - The Unexpected Congresswoman
    To win the Congressional seat in New Hampshire's first district, history dictates that you have to capture Manchester, or at least break even. Carol Shea-Porter '74, '79G knew... Read More
  • The Green Team
    - The Green Team
    It's the fires that give it away. The cluster of rolling green hills in Rochester, just visible from Route 125, are actually three giant piles of garbage—more than a million tons... Read More
  • On Thin Ice
    - On Thin Ice
    When UNH glaciologist Mark Fahnestock heads north to conduct field research on the Greenland ice sheet, he travels 2,300 miles up and 10,000 years back. Dropped by helicopter to... Read More
  • An Uncommon Commencement
    - An Uncommon Commencement
    "Have you noticed the range of footwear?" asked Dana Hamel, watching from the bleachers as the Class of 2007 took their seats on a soggy football field for commencement ceremonies... Read More
  • Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Aging...
    - Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Aging...
    Gerontologists call it "the phenomenon of the ageless self"--the feeling that we remain the same person on the inside no matter how old we may be. Then the first Social Security... Read More
  • Witness to War
    - Witness to War
    Images by permission of Senart Films In the middle of a hot night on the outskirts of Baghdad, Sgt. Zack Bazzi rumbles along in an M1114 Humvee. He scans the terrain, studies... Read More
  • Grape Ardor
    - Grape Ardor
    Ah, the romance of wine. In the Russian River Valley north of San Francisco, it's everywhere. Take a drive on Westside Road, which curves tight as a corkscrew through the... Read More
  • Extreme Makeover
    - Extreme Makeover
    It all began with a crack in a window—one of two arched windows that gaze down at Main Street like large eyes beneath granite eyebrows in the red brick face of Thompson Hall. This... Read More
  • New Kids on the Block
    - New Kids on the Block
    LAST OCTOBER HURRICANE WILMA was bearing down on the Northeast, with three storms slamming into New England simultaneously. As I drove toward Durham to meet freshmen for this... Read More