
Recent Stories

  • Infographic showing 603 Challenge results
    - The Power of You
    Here’s what 2,400 UNH fans accomplished this month Read More
  • UNH graduate Christopher Healy '16
    - Targeting Treatments
    So much for senioritis. Christopher Healy ’16 didn’t have time to let it creep into his final year at UNH. Read More
  • Houston, We Have a Phenom
    - Houston, We Have a Phenom
    Adam DiPippo is completing his residency at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Read More
  • UNH Graduate School Dean Harry Richards
    - Dean Departures
    Two associate deans will be stepping into interim roles with the departure of the deans of CEPS and the Graduate School. Read More
  • UNH alumna Jennifer Blessing working with a service dog in training
    - A Dog-Lover’s Tale
      Jennifer Blessing '14 works with a Warrior Canine Connection service dog in training. Jen Blessing ’14 has always loved animals. But it was her work at UNH's Thompson School... Read More
  • Murray Straus
    - Murray A. Straus Memorial Service July 11
    Friends and colleagues of Murray Straus will hold a memorial to commemorate his life and work on Monday, July 11. Read More
  • UNH student Brendan O'Byrne
    - Lessons of War
    “You hear a lot of the stories about how bad war is — and it is, there is no doubt — but what people don’t hear a lot about is the other side.” That other side, explains Brendan O... Read More
  • UNH grad tim Roemer '13 and KUA's Girls in Engineering
    - Sowing Seeds of STEM Success
    E Tim Roemer ’13 (center), who graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, spent a week back at UNH running his Girls in Engineering program, which included KUA students... Read More
  • Empowering Educational Evolution
    - Empowering Educational Evolution
    Technology has changed the way we interact with each other and engage with the world around us. And with new developments constantly, it’s also shifting the way we learn. “... Read More
  • Charlie Durkin '17
    - So Much More Than Hate
    The following was written by UNH senior Charlie Durkin in response to this week’s mass shooting at the Orlando gay nightclub Pulse. Durkin identifies as queer, polyamorous, and... Read More