
Recent Stories

  • UNH alumna Sandra Martin '62, '68G
    - Natural Wonder
    Sandra Waddell Martin ’62 ’68G remembers her neighborhood mail carrier coming to the door of her parents’ house in Winthrop, Massachusetts, one day in 1954. Martin was just 13,... Read More
  • UNH Alumni Association board director Robert McGrath '96
    - Making Connections
    As universities evolve, so do alumni associations. How is the UNH Alumni Association’s role changing? Read More
  • UNH alumna Katie McCarter ’10 at the Rio Olympics
    - Golden Opportunity
    Figure skating might not have been on the schedule for the 2016 Summer Olympics, but Katie McCarter ’10 credits her love of that particular sport for her role in Rio de Janeiro,... Read More
  • UNH student Andrew Lee ’18, the creator of charity Driven to Cure
    - Driven to Cure
    It was the very last day of his freshman year when Andrew Lee ’18 ended up in the emergency room at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital in Dover in May 2015, sure he was suffering from... Read More
  • UNH alumna Doris Paradis Hayden ’30
    - In Memoriam: Doris Paradis Hayden ’30
    Born on a farm in Somersworth, NH, Doris Hayden was bilingual from early childhood thanks to her family’s French and Quebecois heritage. It was the beginning of a lifelong love of... Read More
  • UNH alumnus Amos R. Townsend ’52
    - In Memoriam: Amos R. Townsend ’52
    Before his death on February 21 following a two-year battle with esophageal cancer, Amos Townsend led a fulfilling life as a family man, physician and humanitarian. Read More
  • UNH emeritus professor of plant biology Owen Rogers among lilacs
    - Murray Straus and Owen Rogers Remembered
    In May, UNH lost two venerated researchers and members of the teaching faculty — one who helped change America’s views on corporal punishment and family violence; another who... Read More
  • a lifeguard watching people swimming at UNH's new outdoor pool
    - Making a Splash
    The first UNH outdoor pool opened on August 19, 1938, to much local fanfare. One of some 200 WPA pools built in the wake of the Great Depression, it was  the last still in... Read More
  • an aerial photo of UNH faculty, staff and students spelling out UNH 150 at Wildcat Stadium
    - Noteworthy
    A bullhorn, a drone and a big field. That’s what it took to pull off a historic-times-two photo, as more than 3,000 new and returning students, faculty and staff assembled at ... Read More
  • Researchers Kevin Jerram and Evgenia Bazhenova at the North Pole, with American and Russian flags
    - Polar Explorers
    Halfway through their six-week research cruise of the Arctic Ocean, UNH researchers Kevin Jerram and Evgenia Bazhenova visited the North Pole. Read More