
Recent Stories

  • Members of the UNH community gather to honor victims of the Orlando shooting spree
    - Man's Inhumanity To Man
    Members of the UNH community honored the lives of 49 people who were killed in the country’s largest mass shooting earlier this week.   Read More
  • Surfing UNH
    - Surfing UNH
    Few people outside of New England know that N.H. is home to an active surfing community all year long. See how UNH students get involved. Produced by Tim Scolaro '18.   Read More
  • Helping Others Help Others
    - Helping Others Help Others
    Courtney Gray ’14 J.D., ’15 MSW is the executive director of NH Providers Association, a group that helps substance abuse providers do their jobs better.   Read More
  • A NAFIS staff photo including UNH alumna Jocelyn Bissonnette
    - Working for a Cause
    When Jocelyn Bissonnette ’09 was graduating, the economy was in upheaval. It was not a good time to be entering the workforce. Bissonnette, however, had a job waiting for her when... Read More
  • Dean Decelle Shares Journey to UNH, Goals for Manchester in Union Leader Op-Ed
    - Dean Decelle Shares Journey to UNH, Goals for Manchester in Union Leader Op-Ed
    Mike Decelle, dean of UNH Manchester, published an opinion piece in the Union Leader on Sunday, June 5, which details his path to the University and highlights his commitment to... Read More
  • UNH President Mark Huddleston receiving a ceremonial check for the university from the class of 1966
    - A Record-Setting Gift
    In celebration of their 50th reunion, members of the class of 1966 went above and beyond for their alma mater. At their Golden Wildcat Lunch during Reunion Weekend on Saturday,... Read More
  • New UNH COLA Dean Heidi Bostic
    - The New Dean
    Heidi Bostic begins her new role as dean of the College of Liberal Arts this month. Bostic will assume leadership on June 27, following the retirement of Kenneth Fuld, who served... Read More
  • Cory Nitschelm '16
    - Making Friends and Leading the Way
    Despite transferring to UNH the second semester of his sophomore year, Cory Nitschelm ’16 didn’t miss a beat getting involved at his new school. Literally. One of the first things... Read More
  • EOS associate director David Divins
    - Divins Drills Down
    David Divins is EOS’s first full-time associate director since 2012. Read More
  • Paul College Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands
    - Discussion with the Dean
    NH Business Review writes, "If there is such a thing as a nontraditional dean of a nationally ranked business school," it is Deborah Merrill-Sands. Read More