And How to Create a More Inclusive Zoom

Wondering how to use the fancy new Zoom auto-captions? I'm here to help!

But first, a little bit about me. My name is Juliana Good (they/them/theirs), and I am currently in my last semester of the Master in Public Policy program at UNH. When I was here as an undergrad, I got involved with the Changemaker Collaborative (at that time called the Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise) in my first semester at UNH by winning the NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge (SVIC). Since then, I've participated in multiple programs through the Changemaker Collaborative, including the Summer Social Innovation Internship, Changemaker Coaching and the design of our beautiful Changemaker Hub in Nesmith Hall. Currently, I am working on implementing a high school version of the SVIC, which includes a curriculum I co-designed with others at the Sustainability Institute, UNH Cooperative Extension and the Small Business Development Center.

Outside of my work at UNH, I am quite involved with disability policy and accessibility work. I lost my hearing throughout college and am now severely deaf in both ears. I have experienced the frustration of inaccessibility, and want to spare others from going through that by combining political and entrepreneurial strategies to help organizations make their presence, processes and practices more accessible to the disabled community. I work on this daily in two of my roles: one as the Relay Outreach Coordinator with Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, and one as the founder and consulting lead at Neighborhood Access (, my accessibility consulting firm. I hope you'll find the following guide on using automatic captions in Zoom to be helpful, and that you'll use it to engage more deaf and hard of hearing people, among others, with your fabulous work. Caption Integration in Zoom | Jules Good, Neighborhood Access

What is is a software that automatically transcribes live audio.

Why should I use it? is the most accurate transcription software currently on the market, and gives Deaf and 
Hard of Hearing people more access to live video such as Zoom meetings, webinars, and classes. Captions also benefit more than just Deaf and Hard of Hearing viewers – there are many situations in which a person could have better access to materials by using captions, such as having poor audio quality, experiencing an auditory processing disorder, or being a visual learner. Using captions ensures that everyone has better access to the virtual world!

How do I use it?
All UNH Zoom accounts are able to turn on this captioning feature. Follow these steps to enable 

  1. Log into your meeting.
  2. Select the “CC” button on the bottom right of your screen. A new menu will appear.
  3. Select “Enable Live Transcription” from that menu.
  4. Captions will pop up on your screen. Meeting participants can elect to enable live transcription in the same manner, and will see the live captions as well.

Other Perks:
If you click on the same “CC” button mentioned above, you can also select “View Live 
Transcript”. This allows you to view a full transcript of the meeting, which identifies who is talking and when. You can save this transcript by clicking “Save Transcript” on the live transcript popup. Additionally, if you record your meeting, the captions will appear in the recording. is an incredibly useful feature, and as a deaf student, I’m really excited that UNH has given us all access to it. Now that you know how to use it, let’s work together to make all of our teaching, learning, and doing more accessible!

The Changemaker Collaborative brings together students, faculty, staff, businesses, non-profits and government agencies committed to advancing positive change for the good of all. The Collaborative supports the next generation of skilled, courageous and confident leaders, through real-world experiences and the tools of public policy and business, while helping community partners advance their sustainability initiatives.