UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge

UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge
Hands together diversity





What is the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge?

21-day challenge flyer April 4-24

The University of New Hampshire welcomes the Food Solutions New England’s (FSNE) 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge to our campus community each spring.

The FSNE 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits. UNH students, staff and faculty together have been building skill and will to address racial inequities, using the FSNE Challenge as a tool. It allows space for individuals to first explore their own bias and gain a deeper understanding of how that influences thoughts, behaviors and practices. It provides a pathway for embracing the intersectionality of our academic disciplines of curriculum and careers with our humanity in a more just and equitable way. 

We invite all students, faculty, and staff to participate in 2025!

Click below to register on the FSNE website. They will email all of the Challenge information and daily reminders.

Register for the FSNE 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge 


Important Dates & Reminders

Participate in this year's challenge!
APRIL 7 - 27, 2025

Register for the Challenge


UNH Faculty, interested in embedding the Challenge in your course? 

Contact Karen Spiller 


Each year, UNH hosts a suite of events, activities and sharing resources
during the Challenge.

2025 Events, Activities & Resources
Coming soon!

UNH Dining & the Challenge: Featuring Locally Sourced Vendors

April 7-27, 2025
Holloway Commons

UNH Dining is showcasing the Challenge at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. Learn about the locally sourced vendors and taste the menu item labeled "21-Day Challenge” during April 2024. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, food, equity, and belonging with every bite! 

See the menus and vendors

Challenge Fridays

Mark your calendar to join FSNE's online discussions throughout the Challenge each Friday.

April 11, 18 and 25
From 1 – 2:30 p.m. online

More information coming soon!

2024 Events, Activities & Resources

Black History Month 2024

series poster with speaker headshots, titles and event dates


Thursday, Feb. 22 from 12:40-2 pm
Context, Culture and Change

Debby Irving, racial justice educator and author will explore the themes at the foundation of the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge.  

Tuesday, Feb. 27 from 12:40-2 pm
14 Million Acres Lost

Dr. Myers, veteran, filmmaker, anthropologist and co-founder of Farms to Grow, Inc., a venture supporting Black farmers, will explain the major factors contributing to the loss of African American farmers and their 14 million acres of land. 

Thursday, Feb. 29 from 12:40-2 pm
Now is the Time: Being Action Oriented

Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. Dr. Moore has pursued and achieved success in academia, business, diversity, leadership and community service. In 1996, he started to provide comprehensive diversity and leadership trainings. He is recognized as one of the nation’s top speakers and educators. 

This series is co-sponsored by UNH’s Office of Community, Equity and Diversity and UNH’s Sustainability Institute. 

plate of food

Dining Partnerships and Initiatives in a Just and Equitable Food System

April 1-21, 2024
Holloway Commons

UNH Dining is showcasing the Challenge at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. Learn about the locally sourced vendors and taste the menu item labeled "21-Day Challenge” during April 2024. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, food, equity, and belonging with every bite! 
See the menus and vendors

2023 Events, Activities & Resources

2023 Kickoff Event!

Dr, Reece headshot

Dr. Ashanté M. Reese
Food and the Black Radical Imagination: Thinking, Writing, and Living Beyond Lack

Wednesday, March 29
3-4:30 p.m.
Cole Hall, Room 219
Students, faculty and staff welcome

Dr. Ashante Reese, assistant professor of African and African diaspora studies at the University of Texas at Austin, will discuss how "access" often frames contemporary conversations around food inequities. Reese, the author of Black Food Geographies will discuss how thinking reflexively about what “access” does and doesn’t do as a framework for creating an equitable future and explore how the experience of delight coupled with the Black radical imagination offer alternative pathways for imagining food provisioning and consumption.

After Dr. Reese’s talk, Karen Spiller, UNH Sustainability Institute's Thomas W. Haas Professor in Sustainable Food Systems will highlight the different ways you can engage with the Challenge across campus and around the world. Join us for a catered reception after the talk.

event poster

Civil Discourse Lab presents an Interactive Dialogue Series Engaging in the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge

Horton 110, Wednesdays:
April 5, 6-7 p.m.
12, 6-7 p.m.
April 19 , 6-7 p.m. 

All welcomed!
Drop in to one or all in the series! Join students from the Civil Discourse Lab (CDL), who are hosting a weekly dialogue series to foster conversations with those participating or interested in the commitment and action inspired by the Challenge.
These peer-to-peer sessions, led by
the CDL Team, are designed to focus that week’s Challenge content and encourage peer-to-peer discussion. 

people in a cafe

Sustainability Cafe

April 6, 5-7 p.m.
Freedom Café, Durham, NH

Drop in & bring a friend, OPEN TO ALL! This month we'll be joined by UNH Sustainability Institute Professor of Sustainable Food Systems, Karen Spiller to talk about sustainability, equity, and creating a culture of belonging and wellbeing. Join students, faculty, and community leaders for coffee, tea, and delicious snacks while connecting with others who want to create a more sustainable world.




plate of food

21-Day Challenge at the Holloway Commons

UNH Dining is showcasing the Challenge at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. Learn about the locally sourced vendors and taste the menu item labeled "21-Day Challenge”. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, food, equity, and belonging with every bite! 

See the menus and vendors

2022 Events, Activities & Resources

UNH Eats Equitably Blog Series

Guest blogger Paul Young is an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving at the University of New Hampshire on Food Security and other Basic Needs initiatives. Paul has a passion for food systems and how they interact with climate change, health, opportunity and so much more. Paul features three vendors that partner with UNH Dining to bring equitably sourced food to our dining halls. While working at UNH, in addition to working with the Sustainability Institute on the 21 Day Challenge, he has helped launch a food repurposing kitchen and the Cats’ Cupboard (the UNH food pantry).  

event poster

Interactive Dialogue Engaging in the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge


Students from the Civil Discourse Lab (CDL) hosted a weekly virtual dialogue series to foster conversations with those participating and/or interested in the commitment and action inspired by the Challenge. These peer-to-peer sessions, led by the CDL Team, were designed to focus that week’s Challenge content and encourage peer-to-peer discussion. All welcomed!


21-Day Challenge at the Holloway Commons

See the menus & featured vendors

UNH Dining will showcase the Challenge at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. Learn about the locally sourced vendors and taste the menu item labeled "21-Day Challenge”. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, food, equity, and belonging with every bite! 

Spring Harvest Dinner
Holloway Commons and Philbrook Dining Halls

UNH Dining and our community welcomed spring for a delicious feast in celebration of Earth Day and UNH’s participation in the Challenge!

library display

The Challenge on Display at Dimond Library

Visit Dimond Library for a collection of selected readings, videos and films focusing racial equity and food justice during the Challenge.
Library h
Sunday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Saturday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

See the Library's 21-Day Challenge Guide

UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge Details


4th Annual Stories & Voices:
Interactive Dialogue Engaging in the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge


Students from the Civil Discourse Lab hosted a weekly virtual dialogue series, designed for students who could participate in one, two, or all three facilitated sessions. These sessions, led by undergraduate students from CMN 662: Public Dialogue and Deliberation, were designed to foster conversations with those participating and/or interested in the commitment and action inspired by the Challenge and focused on that week’s Challenge content and encouraged peer-to-peer discussion.


The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge Journey

In this 3-part series, the Inclusion and Equity Committee invited campus to join Karen Spiller, Thomas W. Haas Professor in Sustainable Food Systems, to reflect upon the week’s readings and prompts of the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge. They explored what was learned and/or affirmed (Head); what commitments they were willing to make (Heart); and what actions they would initiate (Hands). 

Spring Harvest Dinner

Hosted at the UNH Dining Halls; open to all.
We welcomed spring with UNH Dining for a delicious feast in celebration of Earth Day and UNH’s participation in the Challenge! All three Dining Halls featured a “Spring Harvest Dinner” focusing on using local products and some of our local partners. This is a result of UNH Dining working with the Challenge at UNH, in which they featured many of their partners that support a “Just and Equitable Food System”.

The Challenge on Display at Dimond Library

Visit Dimond Library for a collection of selected readings, videos and films focusing on racial equity and food justice during the Challenge. 
Sunday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

More to ways to engage:

  • Chef Todd shared some recipes with us during the 2021 Challenge based on the "What's in Your Pantry?" survey.
    1. Simply Stir-Fry
  • Watch the UNH 2020 21-Day and 50th Earth Day videos with Chef Todd:
    1. Cooking Tortillas:

    2. Cooking Koshari
  • Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for interesting and informative factiods coming during the Challenge in April!
  • Listen to the 2020 UNH Podcats, Episode 74, “Earth Day & The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge
  • Read UNH authored blog posts on the FSNE website by Chris Gagliolo (CDL Fellow) with his Rose Colored Racism, and Michele Holt-Shannon (NH Listens) with her We Need to Talk.

A Community of Learning: Racial Equity

In spring 2021, more than 70 UNH staff and faculty participated in a “peer-to-peer” employee outreach program to deepen the UNH community’s understanding of social justice in the context of our regional food systems. The program, offered in partnership between the Office of Community, Equity and Diversity and the Sustainability Institute, aimed to help all members of the UNH community understand and address structural racism, and environmental and social justice – critical to UNH’s embodiment of its values of sustainability and diversity.

Staff and faculty benefitted from a chance to:

  • Be in community with others who care about racial justice and sustainability
  • Build professional skills around facilitation and leadership
  • Learn more about regional food systems
  • Help “build will and skill” to address racial equity

In 2018, the Sustainability Institute, through the Haas Professorship, brought the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge to the UNH campus community.

Thanks to the 2021 UNH Planning Team: Departments of Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Systems; Communications; Psychology; Social Work along with Paul College; Hospitality and Dining Services; and Office of Community, Equity and Diversity. They engaged in creating a menu of interactive activities including a launch event, facilitated discussions, cooking demonstrations and more.

Contact Karen Spiller for more information.

Food Solutions New England (FSNE) is a regional network that unites the food system community around a shared set of values – democratic empowerment, racial equity and dignity for all, sustainability, and trust – and strengthens the movement’s ability to achieve New England Food Vision goals. This network is coordinated by UNH’s Sustainability Institute.
In 2013, FSNE publicly "centered" the racial equity value of our work and, in addition to supporting each other to learn, grow and change toward a more racially just system, the network was inspired by the work of Dr. Eddie Moore, Debby Irving and Dr. Marguerite Pennick-Parks to adapt the 21-Day Habit-Building Challenge with food system lens. FSNE has been organizing and hosting the Challenge every year since 2014. Focusing on our network, it started with a couple of hundred regional participants and has grown to more than 7,000 participants, nationally and internationally in 2020. (As well as many organizations adapting the Challenge for their own unique needs).