Tori Wyman '21 | Business Administration, option in Management

Tori has been an active participant in the Changemaker Collaborative programs. A Business Administration major with an option in Management, Tori engaged multiple times with the B Impact Clinic, as a student consultant and peer mentor to student teams that help companies asses their social and environmental impact. She participated in the Semester in the City Boston program where she interned with Green City Growers and in the Social Innovation Internship program twice (now merged with the Sustainability Fellowship). She interned for REVERB, via the Concert Corps program, a non-profit dedicated to empowering millions of individuals to take action toward a better future for people and the planet. Tori then interned for Piscataqua Savings Bank in the summer of 2020 to help implement best practices outlined by the B Impact Clinic team in the semester prior, for which she served as a peer mentor.

UNHSI: Tori, you've participated in a few of the Changemaker Collaborative programs and specifically, the B Impact Clinic more than once. Why did you decide to return to the program and what did you gain?

TORI: Like all of the programs of the Changemaker Collaborative, I valued the hands-on learning experience I was gaining. In the B Impact Clinic specifically, it was the first time I was exposed to companies with the values of sustainability, and with the determination to get the [B Corp] certification and make their communities better. This experience sparked my interest in the field of social innovation and sustainability practices in business. My decision to continue with the program for three semesters was an easy one, I was learning so much about the different companies I was working with, an internet company, a clothing brand, and a bank, all unlocking different experiences within the B Corp Assessment, and allowing me to get even more familiar with the inner workings of becoming a B Corp in different industries. I also loved sharing with my fellow students the insight I had learned from my previous semesters and working with and learning from the faculty advisors.

UNHSI: You’re now on UNH’s Sustainability Task Force. Can you tell us a bit about that and why being a member interested you?

TORI: After wrapping up my fall semester in Boston as part of Semester in the City, I was excited to get back to Durham, and wanted to get involved in something new in my final semester. UNH’s Sustainability Task Force is a group of faculty leaders here at UNH who have a vested interest in UNH sustaining its high standard for sustainability. The faculty who are part of this task force have passion and knowledge for the field of sustainability, and all work together to keep UNH accountable and moving forward with its goals. Being one of the few student members has given me true insight into not only what goes on behind the scenes of UNH, and all the work that goes into being a sustainable university, but also the inner workings of being STARS certified, and all the different pieces. Being a part of this task force is giving me the chance to learn even more in my final semester here at UNH.

UNHSI: What does sustainability mean to you?

TORI: Sustainability is leaving the environment you are in better than you found it, and trying to work to offset the damage we create just by living. It doesn’t have to be damage or problems that were caused directly by you, but being willing to help work towards solutions so the planet can sustain itself, and be a viable place for people to live is sustainability. So, support small businesses, B Corps, and all those trying to make the world a better place!

UNHSI: As a senior, what do you want new or future Wildcats to know about UNH?

TORI: I know everyone said it to me, so I am sure all the incoming students have heard it before, but get involved. It was the best thing I ever did here at UNH. If I had never applied to the B Impact Clinic my sophomore year, I would not have found my passion for sustainable businesses, I would not have found amazing companies that I interned for, and I would not have found faculty that could push me to do even more!