Below is a list of resources for both students and faculty
to support writing across UNH
"Writers learn they usually have to write badly to write well... The wrong words lead to the not-so-wrong words, and then almost right words may reveal the right words." ~Don Murray
Citation Styles
Elements of a Paper
- Conclusions
- Cutting Clutter
- Developing a Thesis
- Evaluating Sources
- Flow
- Guide to Self-Editing
- Introductions
- Organization
- Rhetorical Situation
- Self-Editing Checklist
- Summary and Analysis
- Topic Sentences
- Transitions
- Understanding Assignments
- Using Outside Sources
- Using Quotes
- Writing and Revision Tips
Grammar and Usage
- Active and Passive Voice
- Active Verbs
- Articles
- Commas
- Comma Splices
- Commonly Confused Words
- Conjunctions
- Modals
- Modifiers
- Parallel Structure
- Semi-colons
- Sentence Boundaries
- Sentence Clarity
- Vague Pronouns
Types of Writing
- Annotated Bibliography
- Book Reviews
- Business Writing
- Cover Letters & Resumes
- Creative Writing
- Email Writing
- Expectations of Academic Writing
- History Writing
- Internet Research
- Lab Reports
- Literature Reviews
- Mentor Texts
- Op-Ed Article
- Oral Presentations
- Personal Statements
- Research Proposals
- Thesis-Based Writing
- Thesis and Dissertation Writing Resources
- Writing a Research Paper
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
- Writing and A.I.
- The Connors Writing Center policy on A.I.
Giving Feedback
UNH Writing Support:
- UNH Online Writing Lab (OWL) - Online writing assistance available to students who cannot come to the Writing Center.
- UNH Dimond Library - Research guides and links to sites providing citation formats and examples. In addition, ability to ask a librarian for information in online chat, and make an appointment with a subject librarian.
- UNH Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach - offers proposal and grant writing support
AI Usage:
- APA guidance on how to cite ChatGPT
- MLA Style Center on Student Guide to AI Literacy
- The University of Queensland - guide on ChatGPT and other AI generative tools; includes citation suggestions and information on using AI as sources.
- The University of Arizona page on Using ChatGPT effectively
General References and Additional Support:
- Massey University of New Zealand - This interactive site on REFERENCING describes the correct methods for crediting external sources (such as books, articles, and websites) in assignments.
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Writing Center Handouts - A comprehensive collection of helpful handouts and video lessons, also has an ESL Resource page.
- University of Michigan (Sweetland Center for Writing) Undergraduate Writing Guides - Task-based help on many writing scenarios, such as, "How Do I Incorporate Quotes?" Plus links to more resources.
- Duke University Libraries Citation Guides for Research Writing - Guides (with downloadable versions) for citing in APA, Chicago, MLA, Turabian, and CSE styles.
- Excelsior College Online Writing Lab - A collection of helpful guides, presentations, and modules.
- Purdue Online Writing Lab- A wealth of information on all aspects of writing. Choose a topic from the list in the navigation bar to the left or use the Site Map.
- University of Illinois Writer Resources - Guides and handouts under the categories of writing process, academic writing, long-term writing, and job search and application writing.
- Northwestern University Writing Place Handouts - Guides and handouts on topics ranging from planning and organizing your writing, to writing in various disciplines, to citation practice, and more.
- Writing Commons- Online handbook with resources on information literacy, research methods and methodologies, the writing process, collaboration, various genres of writing, new media, and style.
- What constitutes plagiarism? A handy guide from Harvard that breaks down the different levels of source attribution and definitions of plagiarism.
Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners from ScienceDirect
Graduate Student Resources
- A link to the SAGE publishers resource page with a collection of books pertaining to many stages of the graduate writing experience (from dissertation proposals to defense, data collection, research design, etc.).
- A link to the WAC Clearinghouse text on "Re-Imagining Doctoral Writing"
- Basic Needs Support - Provides students with assistance and access to food, laptops, meal swipes, emergency finances, etc.
- Center for Academic Resources (CFAR) - CFAR provides study training, drop-in tutoring, and study groups for selected courses (often math, science, and business courses). CFAR also offers individual academic mentoring for eligible students.
- Educational Excellence & Effectiveness (E3) / Teaching and Learning Resource Hub (formerly CEITL) - Offers a rich collection of resources, information, and expertise to support the university's mission of enhancing student learning through the continual improvement of teaching.
- Career and Professional Success (CaPS) - The CaPS helps students identify interests, skills, and values that lead to a major and a post-UNH experience. They assist students with writing resumes and cover letters, finding jobs or internships, and applying to graduate school.
- Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - Accessibility Services assists students with documented disabilities (physical, medical, LD or ADD/ADHD, psychological, or chronic illness) by providing appropriate accommodations and support within the university environment.
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Institute - The ESL Institute is designed for students who want to develop their English language skills and learn more about American culture. ESL courses are offered at UNH during the summer and the academic year.
- The Waysmeet Center - Home to the Cornucopia Food Pantry, a living community, and a gathering place for UNH students, faculty, staff and community members.
- CWC Campus Resources Handout- The handout contains a list of additional campus resources not listed on the website.
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2025
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2024
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2024
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2023
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2023
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2022
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2022
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2021
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2021
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2020
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2020
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2019
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2019
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2018
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2018
- Write Free or Die - Fall 2017
- Write Free or Die - Spring 2017
Video and PowerPoint Resources
- Effective Presentations
- Terrible Presentations (and How Not to Give One)
- Video: Advice on using (and not using) PowerPoint
Handouts for oral presentations
- Reducing public speaking anxiety
- Presentation preparation countdown
- Self-coaching worksheet part 1: Planning content
- Self-coaching worksheet part 2: Delivery
Some useful Web Resources
- American Rhetoric, a huge database of speeches (many with video), both from the "real world" and from the movies.
And remember that the Connors Writing Center will conference with you about your URC or GRC presentations.
- An Introduction to the Connors Writing Center - A brief, introductory video about the writing center and our services.
- UNH Writing Assistants Talk About Writing - A collection of reflections on and tips about writing in college from UNH writing assistants.
The Peer Response Presentation
The two videos below are recordings of the skits we use during peer response presentations. Between each skit, we engage the class in a discussion about the effectiveness of each response session. We've also included the two handouts we bring to classes for the peer response presentation: first, a copy of the essay from the videos so that the class can follow along; second, a handout of tips for approaching peer response sessions.
Selected Texts and Virtual Texts
- Writing Commons
- U of Wisconsin, Madison Writer's Handbook
- Penn State University Style for Students Online
- Writing In College: From Competence to Excellence (Guptill)
- The Norton Field Guide to Writing
- U of North Carolina Chapel HIll Writing Center Handouts Page
Lists of Open Access Writing Texts
Writing Support at UNH
- Faculty development and support with the University Writing Programs (consultations, workshops, community of colleagues, classroom visits, and more).
- WI Faculty Retreat, sponsored annually by the Dey Family gift fund.
- Training for your TA on how to give writing feedback. Training sessions provided by the Writing Across the Curriculum office.
Teaching with Technology and AI
- Teaching with Artificial Intelligence (AI) - link to UNH resource page on using tools such as ChatGPT
- Exploring A.I. Pedagogy: Teaching Reflections from the MLA-CCCC joint task force on A.I. and Writing.
- A fun and comprehensive AI resource list by our own Molly Campbell, technical and professional writing instructor in the UNH English Dept.
- ChatGPT Resources for Educators - compiled and catagorized list generated and collected by Ben Erwin, Director of Syracuse University's Writing Center
- Chronicle of Higher Ed article on creating writing assignments with ChatGPT
- APA guidance on how to cite ChatGPT
- Faculty Handout on A.I. and Writing
- The Connors Writing Center policy on A.I. usage
- Boilerplate language on A.I. for faculty to use on syllabi
Faculty Resource Compilations
- The Bedford Bits Community of Scholars
- The UNH Writing Academy for personal professional development
- Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments is a biannual, refereed online journal that publishes academic writing assignments accompanied by reflective essays. We publish assignments directed at both undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines. Prompt is an open-access journal, with all articles freely available to all readers.
Teaching Tools and Guides
University of Michigan Sweetland Center for Writing Teaching Resources
- University of Minnesota Center for Writing Teaching Resources
- Colorado State Writing Studio Teaching Guides and Teaching Activities Bank
- HarvardWrites Faculty Tookits for Teaching With Writing and Commenting and Grading
- Harvard Writing Project Guides to Teaching Writing
- WAC Clearinghouse Writing Guides and Faculty Teaching Tip Sheets
- Dartmouth Institute for Writing and Rhetoric Teaching Writing as a Process Guide
- University of Illinois Writers Workshop Instructor Resources
Purdue OWL's faculty guide on mentoring grad writers
Prompt (academic journal for writing instruction)
Rubrics and Feedback
Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center Grading and Performance Rubrics
- Colorado State Writing Studio Rubrics for Commenting and Grading
- U of Wisconsin Writing Across the Curriculum Program "How to Build and Use Rubrics Effectively"
- Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching: Grading Student Work
- Responding to Student Writing tips from the WAC Clearinghouse
Collaborative/Group Writing
University of Connecticut Writing Center: Collaborative Writing Resources
- Penn State Schreyer Institute: Commonly Asked Questions About Teaching Collaborative Activities
- University of Michigan Sweetland Center for Writing: Assigning and Managing Collaborative Writing Projects
- Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center: Using Group Projects Effectively
Mechanics & Correctness (Preview Carefully and Incorporate Selectively)
Online Writing Instruction Resources
- Online Literacies Open Resource (Resources from the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators)
- UNH IT Instructional Continuity Page (Resources and Information for faculty)
- Denver University Writing Program COVID 19 Practices (Addresses Hybrid, Online, and FtF Writing Practices)
- Online Writing Instruction Open Resource (Principles with Examples from the Conference on College Composition & Communication)
- Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction (Open Source Text)
- Association of College and University Educators Online Toolkit
- Teaching During COVID-19: Online and Remote Courses
- Teaching During COVID-19: Taking Care of Yourself
Contribute to the UNH Writing Programs
Provide your support to the UNH Writing Programs by contributing to the Dey Family Fund, an endowment established in 2001 by the generous spirit of the Dey Family with the purpose of supporting writing across the curriculum at the University of New Hampshire. These funds allow for opportunities to sustain and grow the Connors Writing Center as well as fulfill avenues of faculty development, such as the annual WI Faculty Retreat.
To give to this fund, please designate your contribution to the "Dey Family Fund" by writing in "Dey" in selection of fund. Or, if you are using the dropdown menu, select "College of Liberal Arts">"Academic Depts">"English">"Dey Family Fund." We appreciate your support of encouraging the ongoing development of writing at UNH across the campus!