
students walking across campus

The University Writing Programs have a wide variety of resources to support faculty with teaching and assessing students' written work.

“At all times, we should provide our students with an experience where no matter what the material, they are encouraged to discover their individual points of view and are given the chance to see that these are worthy of attention, that others are listening, and that there are effective ways to communicate them in writing. And by focussing on this, we will help our students to understand, and even enjoy, the process of writing."1

[1] Halsted, Isabella. "Putting Error in Its Place." Journal of Basic Writing. 1, no. 1 (1975): 80-81.

Welcome: What is your interest?

I've been assigned to teach a Writing Intensive (WI) course

I wish to propose a WI course

I need to advise students about the WI requirement

I'm looking for resources to support writing in my course or program

I would like to find colleagues who are invested in writing in the curriculum

I'm interested in talking to someone about writing in my course, workshops, or professional development opportunities