Inventor Stories


Who invents?  You DO!

And so many others. Meet some of the incredible young innovators who are working in Northern New England. Please contact us if you want to share your inventor story.

Arthur with AWARE

We were honored to participate in The Henry Ford‘s Kid Inventor Friday to feature Arthur Zhang and his award winning invention, A.W.A.R.E. (AI Enabled Web of Sensors for Anticipation of Ruinous Events).

About Arthur

Arthur, rising junior from Winchester, MA, says that he has been creating his whole life. He participates in the Young Inventors’ Program through an after-school club at KTBYTE Academy in Lexington. He sees inventing as a way to learn something new about the world and solve problems to make people’s lives better. “Whatever I invent can go into someone else’s hands and change their life,” he said.

His invention AWARE is a network of sensors, data collection hub, and artificial intelligence programs that will be used as an early warning system for severe events such as weather, flooding, and fire. Arthur built the sensors, 3D printed the housing, and programmed the system to measure key environmental data. In addition to the warning system, Arthur says, “It allows us to predict [weather] and better understand our world.”

Watch Arthur’s interview with Tina White, Director of the Young Inventors’ Program, a program of the Academy of Applied Science.


Find more Kid Inventor Friday interviews on the Invention Convention Worldwide blog.