YIP Pack Order


Order Materials for Your YIP Program Site


Young Inventors School Program Participants

Sign-up for additional resources and support! All Young Inventors’ Program materials are FREE – yes, free – thanks to generous donors.

Please complete and submit the following form to request supplies for your 2024-25 YIP Year. Please tell us the number of students you anticipate in your program and where applicable, indicate the quantity of supplies needed. Supplies include:

  • YIP Inventor's Journals (please indicate which version you need based on the curricular unit you use)
  • Certificates (hard copy or electronic options)
  • Award Medals
  • And more

Electronic certificate template files will be sent via email. All YIP Packs will be mailed via US Postal Service. Please request any special mailing instructions in the space provided.

YIP Pack Order Form 2024-2025


Select Pack Items

Each registered school/local organization YIP program will receive a YIP Pack customized to meet your school/organization needs. Please be mindful of resources as you select the quantity of materials you will require. Each YIP Pack can include:

- $25 gift card to be used at the discretion of the program leader to purchase necessary supplies and materials to support the program
- Printed Inventor's Journals (1 per student)
- YIP Certificates and YIP School/Local Invention Fair Award Medals.

Please let us know what materials you need.
Gift Card Choice
Please select the version(s) you need and how many
How many first place medals do you need?
How many second place medals do you need?
How many third place medals do you need?
How many printed certificates do you need?
How many printed certificates do you need?
How many printed certificates do you need?
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