Robert H. Rines Young Inventors' Program

Calling all inventive students! We know you are solving problems everyday. We are here to help you turn those ideas into inventions. Ask questions. Be creative. Learn how innovation is all about testing and re-testing and pushing boundaries to make the world a better place. Wherever you are in your invention process, you will learn new things, challenge yourself, and find solutions.

We celebrate all inventors wherever they are inventing. In Northern New England, we offer opportunities for students to showcase their projects, meet other young inventors, and celebrate at local, regional, and national competitions. Find out who is eligible and how to participate.

Young Inventors’ Program resources are adaptable to any environment: classroom, after-school, community group, library, club, homeschool, or just for fun! Our curriculum guide includes educational standards for teachers developing lesson plans as well as activities to help everyone mentor a young inventor. Explore YIP resources for K-12 students everywhere.
Bring invention to your classroom, after-school program, camp, library, or community organization! Register your program to receive resources and updates from our staff to help you implement the Young Inventors' Program.
Championing innovation, stimulating youth science, and advancing education in science, mathematics, engineering, technology and invention are never-ending quests. YIP needs your help. We welcome your contributions, support, and/or personal volunteerism.
Ways To Give