Christopher Diamond, MD
Physician, Board Certified in Family Medicine
Email: Christopher.diamond@unh.edu
Phone: 603-862-9355
Office: Health & Wellness, Health & Wellness Building, Durham, NH 03824
- B.A., Anthropology, Wesleyan University
- M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Family Practice Residency, University of Vermont College of Medicine
- Board Certified: Family Medicine
- Year began at Health & Wellness: 2018
I’m a family doctor trained in prenatal care and end-of-life care, but for the last 15 years, I have been a college doctor. I am passionate about how a college health center helps students succeed. I am here to help you work through any challenges to your health and well-being, whether it is a cold or a mental health concern.
Fun Fact: I’m a terrible banjo player and hope to be as bad at the ukulele someday.
When not at work, I love to spend time with my family, watch K-dramas and hockey, and play with our dog.