College of Life Sciences & Agriculture

Recent Stories

  • Ecohydrologist Heidi Asbjornsen
    - Linking Water with the Landscape
    Ecohydrologist Heidi Asbjornsen adds a vital new dimension to Earth Systems Research Center work and brings experience to UNH’s nascent agro-ecosystems research. Read More
  • win watson with student at microscope
    - Boosting Biomedical Research Statewide
    Administered by UNH and Dartmouth, a federally funded initiative aims to increase the state’s research capacity and the scientific knowledge of its workforce. Read More
  • student with black racer snake
    - Snake Whisperers
    Two alums at the N.H. Fish and Game Department are working to better understand the habitat needs of the threatened black racer. Read More
  • jackie buckley with cow
    - New York City Native is a Natural With Animals
    Jackie Buckley was 18 years old before she saw her first cow. And yet now she spends most of her time at UNH with them, either in her job or pre-vet studies. Read More
  • kate frazier with horse
    - Taking the Reins
    Kate Frazier ’12 is in sync with a glossy brown Hanoverian known as "Morocco." Read More
  • catherine buchalski doing research at sea
    - Betwixt Land and Sea
    A graduate student and her classmates bring communities and environmental science together to better understand challenges facing the nation's estuaries. Read More
  • poinsettias
    - Poinsettia Open House
    Polar Bear, Red Glitter, Sparkling Punch, Ruby Frost … poinsettias go far beyond red! Come see more than 100 varieties of this popular seasonal plant at UNH’s annual Poinsettia... Read More
  • student and professor conducting research on water
    - Scientists and Students Track Bacteria in the Water and Food Web
    Doctoral student Amanda Murby '06, '09G, '14G inspects the catch Houses dot a third of the shoreline around Willand Pond in Dover, the rest of which is forested by a... Read More
  • lisa tiemann with soil
    - A Fertile Mind
    In Uganda, farmers are now cultivating marginal lands, moving uphill on slopes to sow seeds in soil that’s losing its fertility at an alarming rate. This predicament has captured... Read More
  • deep sea diver jumps into water
    - Know the Coast
    Get to know New Hampshire’s coast – the creatures that inhabit it and the researchers who explore it – at UNH’s third annual Know the Coast Day Saturday, Oct. 20. LEARN MORE >... Read More