UNH Today

UNH Experts Share How to Safely View Upcoming Solar Eclipse

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will travel across the U.S. The northern part of New Hampshire will be among the portions of the country in the path of totality, when the moon completely blocks the sun and plunges the midday into darkness. UNH experts John Gianforte, director of the UNH Observatory, and Amy Keesee, associate professor of physics and astronomy, share everything you need to know to enjoy the eclipse safely. 

An Evolving Space

Juliet Webber ’23G epitomizes patience and perseverance in her work in higher education. As the director of UNH Professional Development and Training, she has carefully built a skillset to support her unwavering commitment to the field.

Leadership, Energy of Cookman Twins 'Raises the Bar' for Field Hockey Team

Tamera and Tasmin Cookman of London, England have been playing field hockey since they were six years old. They were scouted by a handful of American colleges, but the Cookmans found their home and community at the University of New Hampshire. On and off the field, the sisters find a way to balance college life, academics and their passion for field hockey. They are raising the bar for everyone around them, says Robin Balducci '85, head coach of the field hockey team, with their unique combination of competitiveness, personality and leadership.

The Power of People United

For Chuck Hotchkiss, the key to lasting social impact is ensuring that everyday people have a real share of the power in their communities.

“In organizing 101, they tell you that power is organized people and organized money,” he says. “Many times, marginalized populations—low-income populations, populations of color—have difficulty getting access to much-needed capital. [The Center for Impact Finance] and mission-driven lending institutions are working to fix that problem.”

Embrace the Future

“How can we build better support for our communities to thrive at an individual and collective level?” asks Carolyn Arcand, program director of the master of public administration (MPA) online program at UNH. “Public administration should support the caregivers of our society - anyone whose purpose enhances the overall community welfare. Creative leadership and public engagement can make this happen.”