
Thompson Hall in summer

UNH Positions Students, Businesses to Thrive in Wake of SEC Climate Disclosure Ruling

In March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted the first-ever national climate disclosure rule, a decision signifying that publicly traded companies will be legally required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and other climate risk factors for the first time. It’s a... Read More

Recent Stories

  • Two Delicious Distinctions
    - Two Delicious Distinctions
    While UNH Dining may be known on campus more for the variety of delicious and healthy foods available on a daily basis, it recently received accolades for its commitment to the... Read More
  • cyanobacteria research on NH lake
    - UNH Researchers Invent Low-Cost Method to Monitor Lakes for Airborne Toxins
    Doctoral student Amanda Murby monitors a lake aerosol collection system developed by UNH researchers on Lake Christine in Stark. Aerosolized cyanobacteria cells and toxins are... Read More
  • Swedish lakes and ponds
    - Northern Lakes and Greenhouse Gas
    Naturally occurring emissions of a greenhouse gas from far northern bodies of water may be larger than previously thought. New research shows that freshwater lakes and ponds at... Read More
  • UNH Dining
    - Setting the Kids' Table
    A large poster hanging next to Holloway Common’s Euro-Line food station pops with color and bold fonts, demanding attention to a culinary revolution. “Cut the salt;” “Limit... Read More
  • New Hampshire State Champ American chestnut tree
    - No Chestnuts To Roast on an Open Fire
    New Englanders searching the woods for chestnuts to roast on an open fire this holiday season will be hard pressed to find a mature American chestnut tree bearing nuts. American... Read More
  • Amelia Keane
    - Bio Major Takes a Stand on Sustainability
    Since Amelia Keane came to UNH Manchester, she has had a goal in mind. As a transfer student with a worldly background, Amelia was determined to fill the need she saw in our... Read More
  • solar panels on Appledore Island
    - Shoals Solar
    What better way to celebrate a decade of sustainability than with a gift of new solar panels? This summer, the Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) at Appledore Island added 94 solar... Read More
  • University of New Hampshire
    - Not Just the Heat, It’s the Humans
    When it comes to adapting to the changing environment of the Great Basin in the North American West, for small mammals, warming associated with climate change is only part of the... Read More
  • UNH assistant professor Iago Hale
    - Fresh, Local … Kiwis?
    If Iago Hale has his way, in a few years you may be topping your breakfast cereal with a handful of fresh kiwiberries you bought at your local farmer’s market. That’s right, local... Read More
  • UNH professor Larry Hamilton
    - Climate Change Cooperation
    Leaders from across the globe have convened in Paris for COP21, the United Nations’ climate summit, where they are working toward a “strong climate agreement.” Here at UNH,... Read More