Future Wildcats

Thompson Hall in summer

UNH Positions Students, Businesses to Thrive in Wake of SEC Climate Disclosure Ruling

In March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted the first-ever national climate disclosure rule, a decision signifying that publicly traded companies will be legally required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and other climate risk factors for the first time. It’s a... Read More

Recent Stories

  • Elena Long
    - Forging a Path for LGBT Physicists
    Elena Long, a postdoctoral researcher in UNH’s physics department, made news twice in the final months of 2016. First, the Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National... Read More
  • UNH faculty honors
    - Faculty Honors
    Top of page: Carnegie Fellow Ken Johnson, professor of sociology Above, top to bottom: CAREER award winners John Gibson, associate professor of mathematics; Yaning Li,... Read More
  • Creative Works - UNH
    - Recent Creative Works
    As a flagship public research university, our environment of innovation sparks creative expression. Here we spotlight the artistic and scholarly achievements of faculty in the... Read More
  • Project O.A.S.I.S.
    - Engineering an Oasis
    Growing up in India, Sid Nigam ’16 saw plenty of food insecurity and malnutrition. At UNH, the mechanical engineering student channeled a passion for sustainable, affordable food... Read More
  • Graduate student Allison Leach in front of a research poster
    - How's Your Nitrogen Footprint?
    Sustainability leadership efforts have contributed to a groundbreaking initiative to measure and reduce the nitrogen footprint on campus. Read More
  • Space Science at UNH
    - Research on the Edge: Space Science
    The first data from NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS), launched in 2015 with nearly half of its scientific instruments coordinated or built by UNH, were published in... Read More
  • UNH Marine Science
    - Research on the Edge: Marine Science
    In June, UNH added the R/V Gulf Surveyor, a 48-foot aluminum vessel with the capability to deploy sophisticated multi-beam echo sounders, to its research fleet. The vessel will... Read More
  • Living Longer, Living Stronger
    - Living Longer, Living Stronger
    At the heart of exercise scientist Summer Cook’s research lies a deceptively simple question. Read More
  • Nancy Targett
    - A Closing Inquiry
    Provost Nancy Targett (above) became UNH’s senior academic administrator in fall 2016. A member of the University of Delaware faculty since 1984, she most recently served as UDel’... Read More
  • Isabelle Hegland ’19 takes over UNH's Snapchat
    - An Ear for Opera
    Isabelle Hegland ’19 talks about being a vocal performance student and an RA and gives an inside look at the UNH Opera Workshop during her takeover. Read More