Future Wildcats

Thompson Hall in summer

UNH Positions Students, Businesses to Thrive in Wake of SEC Climate Disclosure Ruling

In March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted the first-ever national climate disclosure rule, a decision signifying that publicly traded companies will be legally required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and other climate risk factors for the first time. It’s a... Read More

Recent Stories

  • Disability Data
    - Disability Data
    This past November, 4,405,000 people with disabilities in the U.S. had jobs. That’s 300,000, or 4 percent, more people with disabilities who worked than in November 2015, but... Read More
  • Students watching films
    - Popcorn Included
    Silence fell across the room as the lights dimmed and frames of dense jungle scenes flashed across the big screen. “Coral Reef of Laughing Bird Caye” debuted Thursday during UNH... Read More
  • UNH student Charles-Nicholas Maulsby Beard '17
    - Vitriol, Violence, Diplomacy
    Four history students traveled through time from the Roman Republic to the Islamic State during Thursday's History URC and Alumni Day. Read More
  • UNH student Adam Nastasia
    - More Naked Arts
    The creative process was on full display in the Paul Creative Arts Center Thursday. Read More
  • Paul College at UNH
    - A Look at Housing Costs in New England
    An internship that turned into a part-time job helped Conor McFarland '17 understand just how lacking affordable housing is in the state of New Hampshire. Read More
  • Paul College Poster Presentations - URC Week 2017
    - The Economists
    Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in economics at the UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics put their research results on display in the great room... Read More
  • Thompson School Student Showcase
    - Thompson School Students Showcase Research
    Posters filled Cole Hall during the Thompson School's URC Student Showcase on Wednesday.  Read More
  • UNH plant breeding
    - Breeding Success
    In 1951, the "New Hampshire Midget" watermelon, developed at UNH by Albert F. Yeager, then head of the university’s horticulture department, won a gold medal in the All-American... Read More
  • UNH Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Symposium
    - Scenes from STEMland
    At the Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Symposium on Wednesday, Wildcats turned up the wow factor.  Read More
  • David Finkelhor
    - Keeping Kids Safe
    For decades, the Crimes against Children Research Center has worked tirelessly to keep children safe. Read More