
Recent Stories

  • Public Health Prowess
    - Public Health Prowess
    Rosemary Caron received the 2015 Outstanding Associate Professor Award at the annual faculty excellence ceremony on Oct.15. The award recognizes Caron’s prodigious accomplishments... Read More
  • Lixing Huang
    - Speaking the Universal Language
    Lixing Huang came to UNH from the other side of the world. He arrived four years ago not knowing a soul. But that didn’t last long. On move-in day 2012, Huang '15 went floor to... Read More
  • Christina Muniz
    - Cafeteria Food
      Christina Muniz is a native Texan whose passion for sustainable food led her to the UNH School of Law. And that led to a climate fellowship at the UNH Sustainability Institute ... Read More
  • Participants of Raymond Youth Coalition
    - Partners on Prevention
    This is the second article in our series exploring how UNH alumni, faculty and students are tackling the heroin and opioid epidemic that has hit New Hampshire and many other... Read More
  • David Finkelhor
    - Professor David Finkelhor and Alumnus John “Jack” Smith Receive UNH’s Most Prestigious Awards
    An internationally known scholar and a generous benefactor recently received the University of New Hampshire’s most prestigious awards for their history of continued support and... Read More
  • Andrew Jaccoma, founder of Sensible Spreader Technologies
    - A Sensible Venture
    It’s coming up on a year since the annual Social Venture Innovation Challenge put hard cash into the hands of budding entrepreneurs, and we thought we’d check in with a couple of... Read More
  • Stoke Hall 1965
    - Birthday Marked by Memories Not Years
    When construction plans for Stoke Hall were announced in the Feb. 6, 1964, edition of the student newspaper, it was called UNH’s “first high-rise; the tallest building on campus... Read More
  • horror film posters
    - A Nightmare on Film Street
    Horror films are explorations of the unspoken—exhibitions of our deepest fears that test boundaries between ethics and survival, morality and serenity, and that make us choose... Read More
  • UNH Manchester Ranks #1 in N.H. in New Social Mobility Index
    - UNH Manchester Ranks #1 in N.H. in New Social Mobility Index
    UNH Manchester ranks #1 in New Hampshire in the new Social Mobility Index, which compares the extent to which U.S. colleges and universities efficiently graduate students from low... Read More
  • Kim Celona working on extracting DNA
    - Going to Bat for Bats
    In the winter of 2006, colonies of bats hibernating in Albany, New York, began dying from a disease commonly known as white-nose syndrome because of the powdery looking fungus... Read More