Friday, October 16, 2015


UNH Manchester

CollegeNET, Inc., a Portland, Ore.-based, privately held company providing Web-based on-demand technologies for higher education, released the 2015 Social Mobility Index (SMI), a data-driven ranking system that compares the extent to which U.S. colleges and universities efficiently graduate students from low-income economic backgrounds into promising careers (

UNH Manchester ranked #1 in New Hampshire and #222 overall in the country out of 931 colleges and universities.

According to Jim Wolfston, CEO of CollegeNET: “The past three decades for US higher education will be remembered as an expensive, mass capitulation to the notions of status, rank and marketing image promoted by entrepreneurial magazine hawkers. Along the way, the important agenda of ensuring accessibility, broadly developing human capital and protecting our nation's political position as a land of equal opportunity has been nearly decimated. Fortunately, a few extraordinary colleges have remained focused on the right issues, and the SMI highlights their civic contribution and example” (BusinessWire).