
Recent Stories

  • Rev. Jean Ngobo Segasinde
    - Conflict and Compassion
    Rev. Jean Ngobo Segasinde has experienced firsthand the tragedy of genocide and its aftermath in Rwanda, where he was on the staff of the Rwanda Prison Fellowship Ministries... Read More
  • Andrew Jablonski '19
    - Talking the Talk
    “The Global Dude: How a Foreign Language Puts You Ahead in the Game of Life,” one of the events presented during UNH International Education Week 2015, delivered just what its... Read More
  • Mosaic created in UNH class called "Stressed Out"
    - The Wonders of Worry
    Shyla Gregory ‘17, like many college students, knows what it’s like to worry. Between classes, studying, a job and balancing relationships, she says, “We don’t realize how much we... Read More
  • UNH alumnus David Johnson '02G
    - Making a Case for Making “Change That Lasts”
    A letter from David Johnson ‘02G, director of marketing and communications at United Way of the Greater Seacoast, on the launch of the UNH-United Way “Change That Lasts” campaign... Read More
  • jack o'lanterns on UNH campus
    - How a Halloween Tradition Helps Hone Community
    Halloween is in the air and soon little ghosts and goblins (and minions and Miss Luigis) will be gracing doorsteps with pleas for sweet treats. UNH Today spoke with... Read More
  • Spooky Reads badge
  • The Public Service Privilege
    - The Public Service Privilege
    Joanne Curran Celentano received the 2015 Award for Excellence in Public Service at the annual faculty excellence ceremony on Oct. 15. Curran Celentano is professor of molecular,... Read More
  • students and alums of Talent Search listen to speakers
    - Educational Talent Search at 50
    Jesse Austin '19 wasn’t brought up thinking there was a value in going to college. But he does now and he’s here, thanks to a visit from UNH’s Educational Talent Search staff when... Read More
  • UNH students eating lunch in China
    - Chinese Lunch Special
    On a round wooden table that fills most of the room, a large lazy susan turns slowly, with dishes of eggplant, fish and watermelon floating by, and bowls of obscure meats and... Read More
  • Cover Page of New England Food Vision
    - Omnivore’s Delight
    With the annual Local Harvest Dinner as the jewel in its locavore crown, UNH is a national leader in bringing local food — some of it grown right here on campus — to the hungry... Read More