Kayla Conway

2019 Sustainability Fellow Campus Zero Waste Planning | Post-Landfill Action Network
Kayla Conway, Sustainability Intern

Kayla Conway completed her fellowship in collaboration with UNHSI and the Post-Landfill Action Network. Kayla focused on exploring the feasibility of developing a cost-benefit assessment tool to support the advancement of zero waste on UNH's campus. Attempting to answer the common question of, "I agree zero-waste is a good idea, but how much will it cost?" Working with this question consisted of meetings with stakeholders to gather data and insight, drawing systems diagrams, and building financial profiles. The outcomes of the fellowship resulted in recommendations for the path towards zero-waste at UNH. This experience reinforced her beliefs in collective action for progressive change, and that zero-waste is defined in a place, by the people. Moving forward, Kayla will continue to work with the Post-Landfil Action Network as a Zero-Waste Strategist, and contribute to building the Atlas Project. Her work in the waste realm has just begun!