Johanna Rewucki, '21

2020 Social Innovation Intern - Impax Asset Management
Johanna Rewucki

Johanna interned with Impax Asset Management, working to research and track metrics concerning gender-lens investing so the practices of these highly rated companies can become the standard for gender diverse leadership. During her time at UNH, Johanna studied Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a completed a minor in Leadership, was the Producer of Improv Anonymous, UNH’s longest running improv troupe, was a teaching assistant and peer advisor for the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, and was a Rutman Leadership Fellow, a UNH Paul College initiative to advance women’s leadership through education, opportunity, and connection. She is passionate about gender equity and diversity and has conducted research on gender disparities in corporate leadership and with a group, Johanna was able to present their findings at the International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles in the spring of 2019.