Alexandra Vergara ‘23

Fall 2021 Semester in the City Fellow
Alexandra Vergara Headshot

Alexandra was an English Teaching major with a minor in Spanish. On campus, she taught English as a second language, served both as a participant and mentor for UNH’s PROVES program, and participated as a Changemaker Fellow. During her freshman year, she served as Alliance’s DSC Representative. Then, during her sophomore year she served as the Diversity Support Coalition’s Business Manager. In 2020, Alexandra received the honor of being a Campus Compact Newman Civic Fellow where she was educated on deliberative dialogue and community building. During Semester in the City, she interned with 826 Boston at the Boston International Newcomers Academy (BINcA) in a Writer’s Room, where she led college essay workshops and provided educational support to students. Due to the nature of BINcA, Alexandra had the opportunity to work with students who have been residents of the United States for less than a year and help prepare them for the rest of their educational lives. This work allowed her on-site experience that has taught her how to better serve ESL students while engaging in community work. The ability to practice her Spanish skills was also a bonus.