Kailei headshot

Kailei Wedge

Post-Undergraduate Sustainability Innovation Fellow

Kailei Wedge is the Post-Undergraduate Sustainability Innovation Fellow, supporting the Sustainability Interns with their various projects and leading key initiatives such as the Cat Trax Bike Share program and STARS reporting. Kailei graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2024 with a B.S. in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability with a minor in Justice Studies. As an undergraduate, she was a Zero Waste Intern with the Sustainability Institute for two years where she focused on electronic waste management and education on campus and around the Durham, NH community. She also worked on the Atlas Zero Waste program, where she helped to create proposals and budgets for a campus-wide zero waste plan. Outside of her work with UNHSI, she loves to go to the beach, explore new places, and try new foods.