Jesse Gubert

2019 Sustainability Fellow - Renewable Energy Research and Planning | Hypertherm, Inc.
Jesse Gubert, Sustainability Fellow

Jesse worked with Hypertherm, a manufacturer of industrial cutting equipment, to research the company's renewable energy procurement options. His research included reviewing corporate best practices for buying green power and interviews with internal stakeholders to map the company’s motivations behind pursuing renewable energy. Jesse's final report highlights several recommendations including setting a targeted 2030 renewable energy goal and participating in a local aggregated purchase power agreement. The experience was motivating in that it exposed Jesse more fully to what companies are doing to minimize their climate impacts. Jesse extends a great deal of gratitude to his mentor, Robin Tindall, who provided an outsized portion of her time and valuable feedback throughout the summer. After the fellowship, Jesse completed his graduate studies at Clark University, where he pursued dual MS/MBA degrees in Environmental Science Policy and Sustainability. Prior to attending graduate school, Jesse coordinated public programs in New York City for the Randall's Island Park Alliance, and worked on microfinance and food security initiatives in Guinea with the Peace Corps. He holds a BA in Economics from UC Davis.