Griffin Brown

2019 Sustainability Fellow - Municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventory | City of Portsmouth, NH
Grffin Brown Sustainability Fellow

Following completion of his Bachelor of Science in BioRenewable Systems at the Pennsylvania State University, Griffin Brown spent the summer of 2019 working with the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire as a Sustainability Fellow. The purpose of this was to update the city’s municipal and community greenhouse gas inventory for the 2018 calendar year; the third update since 2006. His findings helped the city identify the emissions reduction from energy efficiency upgrades within city government and the community; as well as with the improvement of the electrical grid itself. This was a valuable experience for Griffin, and certainly one that will follow him throughout his academic and professional career. This opportunity has led to professional experience, networking connections, friends, and personal growth; all of which are invaluable assets moving forward. Following the fellowship, Griffin will be applying to graduate programs as well as taking some time to travel to learn about the world outside the classroom.