Carbon Clinic to be launched by the Sustainability Institute Fall 2022

Allison Leach, Postdoctoral Researcher, UNH Sustainability Institute

Does your organization want to tackle its carbon footprint, but not sure where to start? The UNH Sustainability Institute (UNHSI) stands ready to partner with you to reach your goals! 

In fall 2022, we are launching the Carbon Clinic, an all-new program that will pair small organizations, non-profits and local businesses, with UNH students who will lead their carbon footprint calculations. The students will be mentored by UNH staff, who are experts in carbon footprinting. We are so excited about this win-win program because it both gives support, capacity and expertise to help small organizations advance their climate goals and  it provides a transformative learning experience, new skillset and confidence building for students who are poised to be the next generation of sustainability leaders. We are very pleased to use our UNHSI-hosted carbon and nitrogen footprint tool, the Sustainability Indicator Management & Analysis Platform, SIMAP ( for the Carbon Clinic. 

SIMAP logo and sample graphs

UNHSI’s carbon footprint experts leading the program are Jenn Andrews and Dr. Alley Leach, the co-inventors of SIMAP. Jenn joined UNHSI in 2013, and has two decades of experience in carbon accounting. Alley came to UNH in 2014 to complete her Ph.D. with Dr. John Aber. Before coming to UNH, Alley developed the first-ever campus nitrogen footprint tool at the University of Virginia. Stay tuned for a future blog featuring the nitrogen footprint! 

To prepare for the fall Carbon Clinic launch, we are thrilled to be partnering with Kennebunk Savings this spring to pilot the program. In preparation for the pilot, UNH student intern and Environmental Engineering major, Sunjay Sood ‘23 has been learning about carbon accounting concepts, while Kennebunk Savings has been collecting data on their heating, electricity use, and more. Over the next several months, we will work together to calculate Kennebunk Savings’ baseline carbon footprint and develop a climate action plan to help them reach their carbon neutrality goal. 

If you have any questions about the Carbon Clinic or have interest in participating, please contact Alley Leach at or apply here for the fall 2022, or future semester.