
Resource Category Topic Type
Surgical Procedures Form (PDF version)
UNH IACUC surgical procedures form (PDF version)
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Form
Requesting a Modification to a Protocol Previously Approved by the IRB (PDF)
Requesting a modification to a protocol previously approved by the UNH IRB (PDF)
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Form
Informed Consent Letter Template (Word version)
Current informed consent letter template (Word version) ~ updated January 2022.
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Form
Informed Consent Document Template (Word version)
Current informed consent document template (Word version) ~ updated January 2022.
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Form
Application for Vertebrate Animal Use in Research (2019 Word version)
UNH IACUC application form for the use of vertebrate animals in research (2019 Word version)
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Form
Application for Vertebrate Animal Use in Instruction (2019 Word version)
UNH IACUC application form for the use of vertebrate animals in instruction (2019 Word version)
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Form
Parent Informed Consent Letter Template (Word version)
Current parent informed consent letter template (Word version) ~ updated January 2022.
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Form
Develop a Budget Justification
Sample Budget Justifications
Proposals Administrative Form
Informed Consent Document Template for Studies Using the Psychology Department Subject Pool (Word version)
Current informed consent document template for studies using the Psychology department subject pool (Word version) ~ updated January 2022
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Form
Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Management Plan Semiannual/Annual Report Template (all sponsors)
FCOIR Management Plan Semiannual/Annual Report Template (all sponsors)
Compliance & Safety Conflict of Interest Form