Research and Outreach Communications

Research and Outreach Communications shares the myriad ways UNH creates, disseminates and leverages knowledge to improve our lives and our world.

UNH pier shot from above, with UNH research vessels and NOAA Hassler

Research News

Read the latest stories about UNH research and outreach.

Research News.

Cover of SPARK publication features Fauci bobblehead on a computer monitor


UNH’s annual review of research, economic engagement and outreach.

Explore Spark

UNH shield and the word "Launch" against backdrop of outer space


Check out past issues of the monthly Launch and bi-weekly REEO Update newsletters.

Female researcher speaks in front of large screen holding microphone

Research Communications Academy

The annual Research Communications Academy trains faculty members, graduate students, and research-related staff to effectively communicate the power and impact of UNH scholarship with a broad audience.

Research Communications Academy


Communications Resources

Communications DIY Toolkit (logos, templates for PPTs, printed materials)

Promote an Event at UNH

Research Communications Resources A curated collection of articles and other information that aim to demystify communicating your scholarship.

Talking to the News Media  A guide from UNH's media relations office.

Social Media Guide and best practices from UNH's social media team.

Contact Us