
Resource Category Topic Type
Government Shutdown Information
Government Shutdown Information
Award/Funding Management, Proposals Administrative Guidance
Changes to Programs During the Life of an Award
Guidance on changes to programs for Principal Investigator (PI) during the life of an award.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
No Cost Extension
Guidance for no cost extensions.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Principal Investigator Award Transfer to Another Institution
Guidance on PI award transfer to another institution.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Review and Reconciliation
Guidance on award review and reconciliation.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Monitoring Budgets
Guidance on monitoring budgets.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Limitation of Cost - Federal Contracts
Guidance on limitation of costs for federal contacts
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Key Personnel
Key personnel guidance.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
NSF Sexual Harassment Policy
On February 8, 2018, the National Science Foundation released Important Notice No. 144. The notice reminds the research community of its obligations t...
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Subrecipient Commitment Form
Subrecipient Commitment Form
Proposals Administrative, Proposal Development: General Form