
Resource Category Topic Type
Cost Share Form - Instructions
Form used to record proposed cost share for a sponsored program
Proposals Administrative Form
Budget Template NH State
Template used to propose a project where the State of NH is the sponsor
Proposals Administrative Form
Budget Template 
Excel budget spreadsheet to be used for proposal submissions
Proposals Administrative Form
Principal Investigator Quick Guide
This Quick Guide is intended to provide answers to common questions about grant and contract administration.
Proposals Administrative Form
UNH Guide to OMB Uniform Guidance
UNH guidance on OMB Uniform Guidance
Proposals Administrative Form
Rate Agreement
Proposal Development & Submission/ Award Management
Proposals Administrative Form
Cost Sharing Policy
UNH policy on proposing and managing cost share on a sponsored program
Proposals Administrative Form
UNH Rate Sheet
Rate schedule for externally funded reserach and sponsored programs. Applicable F&A, Fringe, Graduate Stipend and Tuition rates
UNH Rate Sheet, Proposals Administrative Form
Not Fully Executed Account Policy
NFE accounts, also known as "at risk" accounts, provide principal investigators the opportunity to initiate work under an externally sponsor...
Proposals Administrative Instruction & Training
UNH Tax Exemption Letter
UNH's IRS Letter of Determination - often required as part of proposals to foundations
Proposals Administrative Form