
Resource Category Topic Type
Small instruments brochure
Information about available small instruments.
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
Confocal microscope brochure
Information on the confocal microscope
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
Confocal microscope FAQs
Frequently asked questions about the confocal microscope
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Resource
UIC Instrument Training Form
Instrument training request form
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Form
Engineering Services User Group: Winter 2016-2017
Engineering Services User Group Winter 2016-2017 Meeting Notes
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
Spectroscopy User Group: Winter 2016-2017
Spectroscopy User Group Winter 2016-2017 Meeting Notes
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
Imaging User Group: Winter 2016-2017
Imaging User Group Winter 2016-2017 Meeting Notes
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
UIC User Groups: Spring 2016
UIC User Groups Spring 2016 Meeting Notes (consolidated)
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
Imaging User Group: Fall 2015
Imaging User Group Fall 2015 Meeting Notes (consolidated)
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report
UIC Advisory Board: Summer 2017
UIC Advisory Board Meeting Notes: Summer 2017
Instrumentation University Instrumentation Report